Chapter 1

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"How are you keeping up with your classes?" Dumbledore asked as we walked down the hallway to my next class. "Well it's definitely a lot harder than my last school, but i think i'm doing alright grandpa." He smiled, glad  i got used to calling him my grandpa.
"Well that's good, my dear. Have you found any friends?" Friends.. I sighed at the thought of it.
"Well grandpa, since i'm a transfer student it seems like people don't like me.." I answered, keeping my eyes at my feet.
"Well then i'll find someone for you, and i'll give punishment to those who bully you, do you have any names?" He asked, i got surprised by the violence in his words. "No, i don't think that's any need for." I simply answered, turning the corner to see stares. "I'm guessing all these people have done something to you?" He asked. "Well yes, but you don't have to hurt them..." I answered quietly. "Oh no,no, no, no i'm not going to hurt them, why would you think that? I'm just gonna give them an extra lesson with professor Snape or something like that, to make them learn a lesson for what they have done." I breathed out relieved as we walked the last corner before my first potions class. "Well i have ordered Severus to take extra good care of you sweetheart, professor Snape may seem 'Scary' and 'Evil' but he's just misunderstood, so if he's a little tense towards you and the rest of the class" I nodded "Well look at that, time flies by don't it? Well i hope you enjoy your first potions class" He said cheerfully with a big smile planted on his friendly face.
He carefully pushed me inside and sent a quiet whistle to professor Snape.
He turned to us and dumbledore took that as a cue to leave. "Trisket, i believe?" He asked with a dark and bored voice "Y-Yeah." I answered holding my books tighter to my body. "Take that seat." He said pointing towards the corner of the room that had a dusty old desk that no one had used in atleast a couple of years.
I looked around me, unfamiliar people were sitting evenly throughout the room, then i saw the platinum blonde hair sitting at the second row of desks, his head was planted down in his book and his quill was in his  pale hand writing down something before the class started.
Then professor Snape flicked his wand who shut the doors and windows with a big slam. "Turn to page 426." He simply said turning on a projector.
I opened the book and landed perfectly on page 426, i grinned for myself like i had accomplished something amazing and couldnt say anything about it. I read the top headline; Polyjuice.
I loved the polyjuice, I've tried it before it's a disgusting feeling but at the same time a good one.
I wanted to say what it was but more people would just call me a know it all and attention seeker, and i don't want more people to hate me. I just kept my eyes on the book, pretending i didn't know anything about the potion. "Ms. Trisket." Snape called out, I lifted my head to see him looking in my direction. "Can you explain for the rest of the class what polyjuice does?" He asked. " Uh, it's  a potion that allows the drinker to assume the form of someone else. It's a complicated and challenging potion that even adults struggle to brew correctly." I said stopping myself from blurting out everything i know. "Go on." He says looking down in his book. "Well the potion is incredibly advanced and has two separate parts that contains steps for each part, when brewing is complete the potion has to stew for a whole month before usage." I said, happy to get it all out. "Very good, ms.Trisket. Now all of you be like ms. Trisket and do your homework!" Snape commanded as he dismissed the class.
" How are you smarter than us? " Someone asked as they pulled me out of people going to their next classes. I looked up to see Fred and George weasley, the trickster twins. "Well how do you know i'm smarter than you? You guys are both too old to be in my potions class." I snap back at them "Well ofcourse we listened to the class?" Fred shot in "Now how are you that smart?"  George asked. "How is Hermione that smart?" You asked. "Because she reads a lot of books.." Fred slowly said "Oh" They both say, realizing their stupidity. "You're a bookworm aren't you?" Fred calmly asked looking from my toes to my head, scanning me for a weakness that he could use to his advantage. "Yup, but guys i have to get to my class now." I said, turning away from the two tricksters. "Wait!" I slowly turned around. "We want you to teach us in the weekends." They say, setting their puppyfaces up. "And what do i get from that?" I asked, curious. They both looked at eachother and shrugged "Company." They said togheter, it made me laugh so I couldnt say no to their cute attitudes. "Saturday, library, 5 pm sharp." I said walking away and hearing the twins give eachother a highfive and whisper "Yess!"
I went up the gryffindoor common room staircase and whispering the password to the lady in the painting, who gladly let me in with a smile on her face.
I ran up the staircase and got my books before running down the staircase before bumping into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I should have been more careful!" I apologize and begin to pick up my books. "No worries." I looked up to see Harry in front of me, his glasses crooked. "Did i do that?" I ask desperate "Nah, that's just Ron who elbowed me in the face on accident. " I chuckled, knowing the red head would do something like that. "Well i have to get to my next class,it was nice meeting you Harry." I said facepalming. "Wait what's your name?" He asked. "Crystal." I smiled before continuing down the staircase and out the door.
This might be my lucky day!
I though before falling down the rest of the stairs that was left, but before i hit the ground a strong pair of arms smirked their way around my waist and held me up. "This is the second time i've caught you." He said annoyed by me and my clumsy self. "Well you're the one catching me." I shoot back when i realize he's still holding me. "Well someone has to."He smirks and pulls me up, poofing my hair away from his clothing. "We have the same class." He started "I saw you." I smiled "You're pretty smart. How?" He asked, i knitted my eyebrows togheter in confusion. "How what?" I asked. "Don't play dumb, Trisket." The venom in his voice was dripping everywhere. "Well if you want to you could join my teaching group, it's this saturday at 5, the trickster twins will be there." I say with a sarcastic grin planted on my face. "Do you think i want to learn something i already know in my free time and the worst part with the weasel kings brothers? God no." He almost spits the words out "Well if you already know the same things as me then why do you ask?" I ask checking the time on my watch. "Because i'm the smartest in potions." He said rolling his eyes. "Oh i thought you were gonna say in the whole school, that wouldnt be true." I smiled. "Oh and who's smarter than me then?" He asked anger building its way up in his body. "Hermione Granger ofcourse." I simply answered, mocking him " That muggleborn will not always be the smartest, that's for sure." I took that as my cue to leave, i quietly walked away while his eyes were planted on the ground. "Hey Trisket, I wasn't done with y-" "Byeee Malfoy!" I said cheerfully, breaking into a sprint to my next class which was charms.
I have been dying to write this !
I hope you guys like my new books and i'll update as soon as possible.
Well enough said, byee <3
- Marro

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