Chapter 4

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"What are you doing?" Draco asked confused. "You promised you wouldn't tell anyone!" I yell at him, making my muscles  push to their limits while the needle was still inside my vein. I let out a little 'yelp' while trying to calm my panicked body, I looked over to Draco to see a horrified face. "Just go." Severus commanded, trying to make me inhale and exhale slowly. "I'd rather sta-" Draco got cut off by Malakai flashing his teeth at him and growling, which made Draco jump back and out the door. "Calm down, Crystal, you can stand the pain." Did professor Snape just call me by my first name? The confusion made my body calm down since i had other things to think about. "Good, now do you feel anything diffrent?" He asks while pulling out the empty syringe. "In what way diffrent?" I ask, even more confused. "Well do you feel lightheaded, sick or just simply filled with energy?" "Well, I don't feel anything change.." I say before i feel something wet sliding down the corner of my eye, I lifted my hand up wipe it off but Snape slapped my hand away. Then he crouched down to get a better look at the liquid. "I'm gonna find a flask, don't touch it!" He commands before rushing into another room and quickly rushing over to me with a little open flask in his hand, he lifts it up to my eye and getting every little drop he could scratch up.
He quickly turns away and a hear a little click, meaning he shut the lid to the little flask. "I wanna see what it is since it's so important." I command, he stopped in his tracks and tilted his head slowly my way. "You do not speak to a teacher like this, the only reason you're not in extreme pain right now is because you're valuable. " He says before walking over to the potion shelves again and letting his sharp finger gently slide over all the lids until he stops at a yellowgreeen neon coloured potion. "Now what is that?" "I don't want to use the time we've got to talk about what these potions does." He said filling a new syringe with the new liquid. "Look at that, Blaise, i told you she had a giant wolf." Me and professor Snape just looked over to the door "Move, I wanna see to!" Some guy said behind them, trying to press his fat face between their annoying ones. "Shut up, Goyle." Draco hisses before noticing us staring. "Detention, all three of you." Snape says before slamming the door shut and tilting my head to the side again. "Relax your muscles, focus on something that you're interested in." Snape says before waiting for me to nod so he could stick the long needle into my neck.
Interested in?
An image of Draco popped up in my mind, but then i remember he lied so the image started to slowly burn up before an image of me riding Malakai in the dead of night with stars shining over us.
I slowly nodded then seconds after feeling the pain of the needle sliding into my skin and piercing my vein, I start watching tapes in my head with me and Malakais best moments. "There." Snape snapped me out of my thoughts. "What? That was fast." I say furrowing my eyebrows. I feel a little something in my stomach grow bigger and bigger, my breath gets caught up and i spit out blood.
Then i just black out.
I woke up in hospital wing with Kai laying on some pillows at the floor. "Good ms.Trisket, you are awake. Now how do you feel?"Madam Pomfrey asks as she rushes through the door and over to the bed I was sleeping in. "I'm feeling horrible, how many hours have i been sleeping?" I ask confused. " hundred and twenty hours. " She says like it's nothing. "What about my classes?" "Taken care of.. I'm a little confused, is there something going on between you and mr.Malfoy?" She ask with a suspicious face. "We're friends atleast.. Why do you ask?"  "Malfoy have been visiting you and every time he'd leave he would give you a peck on the forehead. My eyes widen in shock, then the doors fly open and a Draco comes in. "You're awake, are you okay?" He asks after Madam Pomfrey leave the room. "Last time I really talked to you was when you said i can count on you that you wouldn't tell anyone about Malakai." I say laying down again. "Crystal, i'm sorr-" "And then you dare to come back with a couple of idiots..." I cut him off by kicing him off the bed. "Fine." Draco hisses before turning his back to me and walking out the door. "How did it go?" I can hear Blaise ask Draco faintly. "It went just great." Draco says sarcasticly before the doors slam shut and i'm not able to hear them anymore.
Ugh small chapters disgust me.
Well Draco is being a total douche in this chapter, but he'll get better, i promise.

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