Chapter 2

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Charms class went by slowly, but it was still funny watching tiny professor Flitwick try to make everyone successfully turn vinegar into wine, everyone made ice while an unlucky guy with freckles managed to make an explosion.
I flicked my wand at the disgusting smelling cup and watched as the liquid slowly turned crimson red, i bent over and smelled the liquid, it was delicious smelling wine.
I lifted my hand up and seconds later professor Flitwick was in front of me, scanning and smelling the wine.
"Oh look at that students! Ms. Trisket managed to turn the vinegar into wine!" He said surprised.
People turned to us and watched as professor Flitwick took the cup up to his lips and letting the liquid flow over all his tastebuds.
His eyes widened and it was right before he let go of the cup. "This tastes better than perfect!" I smiled widely and watched as the students jaws dropped, especially the guy who made the explosion, he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Professor?" I turned to see Hermione also turning her vinegar to wine.
The professor walked over to her and took a sip. "Good work Hermione." He didnt give her as much credit as he gave me. He dismissed us and i felt two people push up at either side of me when i walked up the staircase to the gryffindor common room. "I havent met anyone this smart before." Hermione says from my right side "I havent met anyone smarter than Hermione." Ron says from my left side "Okay come on guys, give her some space." Harry demands behind us " Oh yeah, personal space, ofcourse." Ron says taking a step to the side, Hermione did the same. " I havent seen you around here before, are you new?" Hermione asked. "Uh yeah, i just transferred from another school." I answer uncomfortably "What is your name?" Ron asked. "Crystal." I simply answer before stopping infront of the door "Quid Agis." I say clearly and the fat lady gives me a smile before letting us in.
I sat my books down at a table and swung down in one of the chairs, realizing the day was over.
"Well, my name is Hermione Granger, this is Ronald Weasley and this is Harry Po-" She starts but i finish her. "I know who you are. Everyone talked about you at my old school too." I said gazing into the flames dancing around as its little life depended on it.
They sat down, Harry fixed his glasses while Hermione pushed her brown, curly hair behind her ear.
"Do you enjoy hogwarts then?" Hermione asked looking hopeful. "To be honest.. It's kind of horrible." I answered truthfully. Harry's eyebrows knitted togheter, confused.
" Well if it's the slytherins causing trouble then you must understand that that's how they are." Hermione answered. "No it's not only the slytherin students.. It's everyone, hufflepuffs, ravenclaws, gryffindors and the slytherins. " They all seemed shocked about my answer. "Well they must have a reason." Harry said. "It's been going around some rumors saying i killed a person at my last school." "Oh so you're the killer girl-" Ron got cut off by Hermione punching his shoulder. "Oww, Hermione was that really nececsarry?" "Yes." She answers before turning her attention to me again. "Do they mentally or physically bully you?" She asks. "Both, mostly physically." I answer, keeping my attention to the dancing flames in the fireplace. "Well why haven't you contacted your parents about it?" Ron asked.
I felt the tears pressing their way out of my eyes and down my cheeks. "Ron, you made her cry!" Harry says before pushing Ron lightly.
I wiped my cheeks with the back of my hand and sniffed quietly in. "I can't contact my parents since they're dead." I answer, turning my attetion to their concerned faces. "I know how you feel... You-Know-who killed my parents when i was an infant, he tried to kill me too but I only got a scar." Harry says, lifting his bangs up to show me his lightning shaped scar. "I'm sorry, i shouldn't have asked." Ron says looking down at his feet.
"Have you found any friends?" Hermione asked after a long pause. "I met a guy.. " I say, their faces happy i atleast have someone. "His name is Draco Malfoy, have you met him?" I ask with a big smile.
Their faces drop immidietly. "Yeah, he's a real nice guy!" Ron says with irony dripping off of his voice.
"What? did he do something wrong?" I ask, confused. "No, not at all, hes just Harry's enemy and probably the worst person here in this whole school?" Hermione says, looking disappointed in my taste in people.
"He's really not that bad." I say defending my only friend. "Yes, yes he is, he's horrible!" Ron says spitting everywhere. " He's cruel, he has found up names for us too, i'm potface, Ron is Weaselking and he goes around calling Hermione a mudblood." Harry says looking at Hermione, who was just staring down at the floor. "Can i ask.. What a mudblood is?" I ask "It's a witch or wizard who doesn't have pure blood, or a person who is born with muggle parents." I looked down at the floor shocked by what i'm hearing. "You're a muggleborn?" I ask, realizing what they just told me. "Yes, problem with that?" She asks. "Problem? Not at all, i love muggles! They're so fascinating!" I say enthusiastic.
The comment brought a big smile to Hermiones lips. "We should go to bed." Ron says, taking his books and starting to walk to the staircase that goes up to the sleeping chambers. "Yeah." I say, also grabbing my books and following Ron up the staircase and splitting at the top of it.
This was my first time sleeping at the gryffindor tower, i have been sleeping at professor mcgonagall's chambers instead to get used to the class hours and how to open the door to the common room and things like that, so it was weird walking up the staircase with Hermione and seeing all the sleeping students everywhere, some sleeping and some just reading in their beds.
The few amount that was awake turned to us confused before getting back to what they were doing. I didn't even notice i had my bed beside Hermione's before i had stripped down and changed into my sleeping wear. I turned behind me to see Hermione, sitting in her bed with a dark arts book in her lap. There was probably a dark arts test coming up for her. I laid down and pulled the covers over me and quickly fell asleep.

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