Chapter 7: Boarding School

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It was Saturday, the day before they move to their new school and home in a matter of fact. So Hyun, Suhyun, Hayi and Sung Kyoung were on their respective homes and were preparing their things for moving. As soon as they heard about the transfer and moving, they tried to change their parents' mind once more, but it didn't work.

At the Song residence, the whole Song family members were gathered in the living room.

"Dad, please! You know that this idea is insane. You can't possibly send us away!" Suhyun pleaded.

"I know, right? It's completely insane but BRILLIANT!" Minho butted in.

"Yah, hyung! You're not helping!" Chan Hyuk said, glaring at his brother.

"I've made up my mind. You will transfer school until you guys learn your lesson." Woo Bin declared.

"Yes, we can somehow accept that, but Boarding school?" Suhyun asked. "It's too much dad!" She continued.

"Ahh.. You guys will be fine. You're a Song! Toughen up!" Woo Bin assured.

"Actually, this might change Hyunie for good. As I said, this idea is BRILLIANT!" Minho added.

"What about practice then? We can't learn martial arts if we're staying there." Chan Hyuk countered.

"Yeah, Hyukie's right!" Suhyun sounded excited, knowing that their father wouldn't let them miss practice. "Hyukie, you're a genius!" Suhyun thought looking at his twin brother.

"Don't worry. Everything's been arranged. Jinu sensei will be there every Tuesdays and Thursdays to help you practice and you'll have a whole day practice every Saturday. Minho will handle the Saturday practice schedule. I already arranged the place where you'll be practicing." Woo Bin answered.

"Oh, great! This is just great!" Suhyun exclaimed.

"The perks of being a Song, Hyunie." Minho reminded.

"You are being so UNFAIR dad." Suhyun exclaimed.

"Oh! Everything is fair in love and war, my girl. In your case, you chose WAR so it's only right to accept the consequence with it." Her dad said for the last time.

At the Soo residence, Hayi was in her room packing her own things. After knowing that she will be transferring schools and will have to live in its premises, she didn't really understood the reason at first but she still agreed to what has been decided by her parents. Hayi was lost in her thoughts when her father entered the room.

"Is everything okay, princess?" Yi Jung asked, sitting beside his daughter on the bed.

"I'm fine dad. I was just thinking." Hayi answered, looking up to her father.

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