Chapter 24: Conflict

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Sung Jae became lost in the forest because he got separated from his team. They were supposed to be in their way to the 4th station when Sung Jae wandered too far away from his team.

"Aisshh. Seriously, where on hell are they?" Sung Jae complained. "It even started to rain. Great! This sure is my lucky day. Where is that stupid large tree anyway?" He added.

Sung Jae continued on wandering until he heard something or someone rather. He came towards the noise he heard and he realized that there was more than one making the noises. He heard that the persons making the noises were actually arguing with each other. When he was nearing the place, he could now see the largest tree.

"Alright! So that's where you are, TREE! Heh, my team would definitely be surprised seeing me arriving here ahead of them." Sung Jae exclaimed and he noticed that the voices he heard have gone silent.

Sung Jae arrived to where the largest tree was located and he was so shocked seeing So Hyun and Joo Hyuk there. He saw Joo Hyuk leaning to kiss So Hyun so he quickly ran to them and grabbed Joo Hyuk's arms.

"I'll kill you!" Sung Jae had punched Joo Hyuk on the face.

"What the.." Joo Hyuk was now sitting on the ground, feeling his injured cheek.

"Nam Joo Hyuk! Yook Sung Jae!" So Hyun was horrified.

At the other side of the forest:

"AHHHHHH!!!" Suhyun and Junhue screamed, hugging each other.

"Yah!" Chanhyuk came out from the bushes and followed by his other teammates. "Why are you two screaming?" He asked. "And why are you hugging each other?" Chanhyuk eyed them suspiciously.

As soon as Chanhyuk mentioned about the two of them hugging each other, both Suhyun and Jun Hue automatically looked at each other and pushed each other away right after.

"Ewww! Yuck! Gross!" Suhyun grimaced. "Did you really just hug me? Just look at my outfit? It's all smudged with your mud from that dirty swamp!" Suhyun complained, looking at Jun Hue disgustingly.

"Ugh! Me? Hugged you? It was you who hugged me first!" Jun Hue countered.

"Seriously, stop it you two." Chanhyuk demanded. "Has either of you seen Sung Jae?" He asked.

"No." Both Suhyun and Jun Hue answered at the same time and glared at each other.

"Seriously! That Yook Sung Jae is a pain in the butt." Chanhyuk exclaimed. "He got separated from us and eventually got himself lost." Chanhyuk continued, seeing Jun Hue's questioning look.

"And I can see that Sung Jae's not the only one who got himself lost around here." Jin Hwan added, looking at Suhyun and Jun Hue knowingly and they didn't answer.

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