Chapter 30: Scandal

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"We're dead." So Hyun stated.

It was so early in the morning but So Hyun was already wide awake because of the shocking news her family have given her. She was already standing from her bed and kept on pacing back and forth.

"Don't worry, dear. Your father is doing his best to control the situation." Jan Di assured.

"Mom is right, So Hyun-ah. So you need to calm down." Seung Yoon added.

"I can't!" So Hyun blurted out. "How can I calm down knowing that I'm not the only one who will be targeted by the media? All of you will be affected too." So Hyun added, making a disappointed face. "I'm so sorry. It's my entire fault." So Hyun started to cry and her mother immediately came to hug her.

"Shhh. It's going to be okay. It's not your fault. Don't ever think that, okay?" Jan Di consoled.

"Your mother is right." This time, Jun Pyo tried to console. "Don't worry, I will fix this." Jun Pyo also came to his daughter's side and patted her head affectionately.

"What bothers me though is how this information got out? I thought the smoke bomb incident was safely hidden from everyone's ears." Seung Yoon commented.

"Someone from the SHINHWA's Board of Trustees might be a spy. I'll have someone look into it." Jun Pyo stated.

Jun Pyo, Jan Di and Seung Yoon decided to let So Hyun rest for a little longer for her to calm down. So Hyun was lying on her bed but she couldn't help herself but think of the scandal she and her friends got into. A moment later, she heard a sound coming from her iMac on the table located to the farthest right from her bed. She got up and checked her computer. She got a message from their group chat.

Hyunie: Yah! We're in big trouble!

Kyoungie: The fuck we are. Shit! What the hell's going on out there?

Hayi: There's a ton of reporters outside our house.

So Hyun read her friends' chats and she started to feel upset all over again. She could totally feel her friends' struggles. A lot of reporters have started to gather around their mansion just to steal a shot of her. If not because of her father's strict and extra security details, someone might have already broken into their house.

Kyoungie: Where the heck is Gu So Hyun? I tried to contact her last night but her phone was turned off.

So Hyun: I'm here.

Hyunie: Thank God! I thought something happened to you because we couldn't contact you at all since last night.

Hayi: Are you okay, So Hyun-ah?

So Hyun: I turned off my phone last night because I don't want to be disturbed in my sleep. My phone's off until now.

Kyoungie: We ALL need to turn off our phones.

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