Chapter 16: Weekend Getaway

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It was Saturday. Almost all of the students have gone home while the others have gone out with their friends to have a good time. As for So Hyun, she went home and spent her weekend with her family. After passing out last night, So Hyun's friends called her parents and after a short while, So Hyun's parents and even her brother came and took her with them. Her family decided for her to stay home and get herself better there where they could watch her condition properly. As for So Hyun's friends, each of them got their own things to do for the weekend. Sung Kyoung got a shooting for a CF while Hayi decided to paint for her free time and Suhyun got a practice together with her brothers for her Art.

"Daebak! You really did come." Suhyun exclaimed as soon as Minho arrived.

"So you will really handle our Saturday practice, Minho hyung?" Chan Hyuk asked.

"That's right. So you better prepare yourselves. I'll make you practice the whole day that you won't be able to move your bodies tomorrow. Kekeke." Minho declared, smirking and the twins stared at each other, horrified.


"Why is it had to be this kind of place? Of all places, why do we have to shoot here?" Sung Kyoung complained.

Yoon Sung Kyoung was in a park. Together with her manager, they were on standby while the staffs were still getting ready for the shooting. Sung Kyoung was sitting on a chair where her name was written and some of her personal staff was tending to her and the place started to get crowded by the minute because of Sung Kyoung's fans.

"We don't have a choice Sung Kyoung-ah. The director specifically chose this place." Her manager replied.

"Aishh. And what's this? Do I really have to ride a bike?" Sung Kyoung gestured to the script she was holding.

"Yes. You have to ride it for some of the scenes." Her manager answered apologetically.

"Omo! Is this really a clothing advertisement? What's wrong with that director? Aishh.." Sung Kyoung was still complaining but was interrupted by the loud cheers from her fans.

"Yoon Sung Kyoung! Wahhh! I can't believe she's shooting a CF here."

"Lucky! I was just on my way to the Super Market but ended up watching my idol shooting here."

"She's so pretty in person. Yoon Sung Kyoung! Can I have your autograph?"

Sung Kyoung immediately stopped complaining and turned to her fans. She smiled at them angelically and waved at them at the same time. All the people who were watching at the shooting started to scream in excitement.

On the other hand, Hayi decided not to go home for the weekend since her parents were away on a business trip while her brother will be busy doing his own thing anyway. So she decided to go explore the school and paint. She was walking alone on a pathway leading to the school garden and at the same time, Bobby together with his friends (Jun Hue, Bi, Dong Hyuk and Sung Jae) was walking out of their dormitory to hang out together. As soon as they got out, Bobby saw Hayi entering the gate towards the garden.

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