Chapter 10: Rivalry

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"Hah! Trust me, I knew her too well." So Hyun declared, staring fiercely at Yoo Jung's direction.

Almost all the students in the hallway were looking at them now. They were wondering what the reason was that the most popular students at U.K were gathering just outside the Class 2 class room. They also noticed that there was some tension going on between So Hyun and Yoo Jung and they decided to observe more about their rivalry.

"Yoo Jung-ah, what is it? Do you know these transfer students?" Sae Ron asked.

"I.. That is.." Yoo Jung was feeling sick all over again.

"Yah, what happened to you? You look terrible." Sung Jae commented and came to help her.

"Sae Ron-ah, what happened? Is Yoo Jung sick?" Joo Hyuk asked, coming over to their side too.

"Yeah. She was sick since this morning so the teacher told her to rest in the infirmary. But when I came to check on her a while ago, she told me that she felt much better and decided to attend the remaining classes." Sae Ron explained and struggled on the limped body of Yoo Jung.

"We should bring her back to the infirmary." Sung Jae exclaimed.

Joo Hyuk started to lift Yoo Jung up on his back while Sung Jae and Sae Ron helped him. When Joo Hyuk was about to walk, Yoo Jung grabbed his shoulders, signalling him to stop and Joo Hyuk wondered what Yoo jung was up until they all saw Yoo Jung lifting up her face to look at So Hyun's direction.

"So Hyun-ah.. I.." Yoo Jung started to say weakly.

"Don't."So Hyun demanded. "Just stop. I don't want to hear anything from you." So Hyun finished.

Everyone gasped, shocked to what they have seen. Students started to murmur and glared at So Hyun scornfully. Even Sae Ron, Sung Jae and Joo Hyuk were surprised by her cold treatment to Yoo Jung but So Hyun didn't care. She just walked past them and went out from the school building, Sung Kyoung following her from behind.

"Did you just see that? Gu So Hyun sure is mean."

"Just like her father from what I heard. They only use their power to manipulate and hurt other people."

"Poor Yoo Jung. What did she do that she got treated like that by that So Hyun?"

"So Hyun and her F4 friends shouldn't be here. They would only make us suffer."

"We should just stop them ourselves, right?"

So Hyun and Sung Kyoung could hear all sorts of criticisms against them but just ignored them while Sung Kyoung was still chasing after her friend while glaring at the students she met on her way. Finally So Hyun stopped walking and arrived at an empty school playground.

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