Chapter 13

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Tara's P.O.V

I woke up to an unknown room with someone asleep on a chair in the corner. I recognize it was Dominic and he actually looked kind of cute. I winced. I had a major headache and I felt it just now. Where am I? And how long was I out? How did I get here? These were some of my questions that kept running in my mind. I tried speaking but instead of words coming out of my mouth I went into a coughing fit. Dominic woke up and quickly handed me a glass of water on a nearby lamp stand, the water soothing my sore throat. I said thanks and asked where I am and why I'm here. "Uh that's hard to explain, well first off your in my room and second is that I found you in the woods" he said nervously while rubbing the back of his head. It was actually kind of cute... wait why did I think of that. I shook my head mentally to get rid of the thought. "Oh ok" I said and leaned back, the pillows supporting me. There is a knock on the door and Carson came in and said "Alpha the prisoner is awake" while he opened the door for him. He said that he's got to do something and left with Carson, the door closed. I tried to recall what happened but I failed in doing so. Even though I didn't know what happened I won't let Dominic and my friends suffer because of my problems. I decided that after the whole school year is done I'm running away. I lied down and thought of ways to run. After maybe at least an hour of thinking, Dominic came back I sat up and smiled at him. "Hey, do feel much better now?" he asks me. I nodded and added, making my voice sound tired, "Yeah, but only a little bit". "Maybe you should rest a little bit more; anyways I got to do something so I'll see you later, and get some rest" he said while going to the bathroom maybe going to take a shower. I slept again and I had a dream. My dream was another memory I treasure.

I was 11, it was midnight and I wanted to practice on my powers again. I made sure I locked my room before I went to the window to get out. I made a route so I wouldn't fall on the second floor of the house. Once I was out I made my way to the forest where I usually practice my new found powers. I tried a few times but I still can't get it right sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. I heard rustling in the bushes and out came a cheetah. It spotted hide glinting in the moonlight. After a few seconds the cheetah turned into a human girl. She was shy and surprised just like me. "Hi" she greeted me and said a greeting back. She told me she saw what I was doing and asked how I did it. I didn't answer but I asked "What about you how did you do 'that'?" She said she had powers and I said I had too. "Do you want to become friends with me?" I asked as I reached my hand out."Sure why not, I'm Sam by the way" she said while taking my hand and shaking it. "Tara, it is a pleasure to meet you".

The dream disappears as I slowly wake up. It was around midnight when I looked at the clock. No one was in the room except me. I looked out the window and saw my first best friend in a body of a nightingale. I opened the window and she went in and changed into her human body. The room was dark so I couldn't see her but we could still hear each other while we talk. After we talk she transforms again but this time to large bird and she leaves again. When she comes back again she gave me two large rocks big and light enough for a bird to carry. I molded the rocks at my feet and made the shapes the sizes of my feet. Still in her bird form she flew out the window and waited for me. Finally able to go out, I sighed in relief.

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