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   "Mom, art thou within the sanctum of our abode?" I called out lazily as I traversed the corridors of our dwelling home in quest of her presence. My steps hastened towards the kitchen, yet she eluded me still. Pondering her whereabouts, I ventured towards her room, hoping to find solace in her embrace. I swung the door open and there she was packing away laundry.

  Krystal, how are you holding up?" She allowed the unfolded towel to fall as she turned her attention to me. "Why are you not at school?" she inquired with a furrowed brow as I nestled on her bed.

I haven't been feeling quite myself," I admitted, drawing my knees closer and softly massaging my abdomen that's been plagued by persistent cramps. 

"Very well, I'll brew some tea for you. Would you mind holding the last few towels before I come back?" With a gentle kiss on my forehead, my mother made her way downstairs to the kitchen.

"Mom" I nagged annoyingly as she departed without looking back. The persistent buzzing of my phone in the back pocket of my denim grew increasingly. Annoyed, I retrieved it and unlocked the screen to find it was Robin trying to reach me. 


Robin: Hey love, what are you doing tonight?

Krystal: I don't know, nothing I guess.

Robin: Great, I'll come over then and this time I'm not climbing that old tree I'm bringing a ladder lol.

Krystal: (laughs) Indeed, the tree branch was scarcely a match for your weight last time, Harry

Robin: love you too baby girl.



   "Here you go." Mom handed me the steaming cup of hot mocha. The smell of the caffeine filled my nostrils as I blew a breathe over the steaming mug. 

   "Thanks Ma" I took a small sip of the pipping hot beverage. My insides shifted as the hot liquid traveled down and slowly, my appetite began to open. 

   "No problem honey." She said before coming to a realization that I didn't move a muscle to fold the last few towels. "So, I just got a phone call from my boss and guess what." she sqeals with excitement.

   "What" Jazmareé too another sip of her tea.

   "I'm getting a promotion!" Her mother cheered excitedly applauding herself.

   "A promotion!" jaz froze for a second.
   "To what?"

   "Head nurse!. Isn't that great?"

   "Yeah, but mom. Your barely around and I'm already not seeing you enough." She stood up from her bed with sadness written all over her face.

   "I know sweet heart but I have too-"

   "No you don't! When are you going to have time for me huh?" Jaz said with tears welling up in her eyes.

   "I'll always have-" Her mother tried to touched her but she flinched away.

   "No, Just save it ma. I don't care. I just want to be alone right now."


   "Just go!" she held out the cup and her mother took it and left.


I had to give my awesome readers a double update because u know, u deserve it!!

Soo, there's a little prob going on here with the mother and daughter and this will get more explanatory in the next few chapters.

Vote!, and give some love ♥

Lov u guyss tons !!!


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