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Chapter is written in 1st person.

Jazmareé P.O.V

The jury would first like to call Harry Styles to stand. He lazily stood up then allowed the the police officer escorted him to the stand. The chains on his feet rattled on the wooded floors as he makes his way up. A bible was given the police officer so that Harry was able to swear on it.

"Do you Harry Edward Styles swear on the Holy Bible to say the truth and  nothing but the truth?" He officer said.

"I do." He replied sorrowfully as he takes his seat tugging on the sleeves of her orange jumpsuit. He didn't made eye contact with the audience not even me. The last time we spoke was when I visited him at prison and we didn't end off on good terms.. He kept his head down and what looks like he was fiddling with his finger until the lawyer my mother hired asked him the first question.

"Mr.Styles. Did you or did you not rape Jazmareé Harris?"

"No?!" He paused looking at me. He shook his head lightly in amusement like why would they think he raped me.

"Are you asking me or telling me that?" The lawyer retorted.

"I'm telling you. I would never do that to her!" He said angrily.

"Ok." Her heels tapped on the wooden floor in the dead silence. "Have you ever had any sexual encounters with her?"

"Yes." He breathe out. Everyone in the court began to whisper even the jury due to his response.

"And was this done with her permission or should I ask the victim myself?" She quickly continued while the court simmered.

"Victim! I would never do anything to her!--" he protested again.

"Mr. Styles!" The judge cuts him off. "Answer the question."

"Yes. She gave me permission to touch her." He said annoyed. "I wouldn't do anything to hurt her." His soft green eyes looked at me as he continued to defend himself. "And she knows that." He smiled a little and I did too.

"Mr.Styles, as a grown man why didn't you reject the little girl and find someone, someone your age to start a relationship with. I mean you had a choice also, why did you go along with it."

"I - I could've but I didn't because." He looked at me again and sighed. His eyes started to glisten with tears. He blinked his eyed repeatedly preventing then from falling. "She wanted someone to show her love but most importantly give it to her. I didn't just go wandering the streets looking for teenage girls to have sex with! She found me, and after hearing her story I decided to stay so she wouldn't have to feel the way she did ever again."

"Story? What story is that?" She asked intrigued wanting to find out.

"That's for her to tell not me." He looked at me as he said every word.

"No more further questions your honor." She finished and took her seat next to me mother.

"Is there something your not tell me Miss.Harris?" The lawyer whispered to my mother with her fingers entwined on the desk waiting for a good answer.

"Uh, no I - I pretty much told you everything and I - I just need him to be thrown in jail. I'll pay you extra if I need too-" she stuttered but was cut off when the police officer called me to the stand.

My heart began to pump twice as fast as its suppose to. All eyes would be on me. I just hope I'm not too worried or scared to answer any questions.

"Do you Jazmareé Harris swear on the Holy Bible to tell her truth and nothing but the truth?"

"I do" I replied and he gestured for me to take the seat on the stand. Without any further or due Harry's lawyer walked over to the stand and asked me the first question.

"Jazmareé." He walked back and forth in front on me with his hand on his chin. "The question is, I think we all want to know what is that story of yours."


The end is here...  I JUST WROTE THIS 12 AM !!!

Anyhoo, One more update before the epilogue. I love this chapter so far. BTW, it was a well done chapter and it was completed but wattpad deleted it!! But only this much was saved so here it is.

Hope you like the first part of the court case :)

Vote if it deserves it :'(


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