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Finding Solace in Nature: A Sanctuary in Ridge-Wood.

"Close your eyes, trust me." He whispered those words in my ear, a sense of trust enveloped me as I relied on him to guide me through the unknown path ahead. Our hands intertwined, creating a bond that transcended mere physical touch. With each step we took, I felt a deeper connection forming between us, rooted in vulnerability and reliance on one another.

The environment around us shifted as we walked, the sounds of rustling leaves, crickets, and the soft call of the night owls painting a vivid picture in my mind. Without the sense of sight, my other senses heightened, allowing me to truly immerse myself in the experience. The scent of blooming flowers and the feeling of soft grass under my feet added to the richness of the moment.

As we came to a stop, I could sense the anticipation building within me. What lay ahead in this moment of darkness and uncertainty? Despite not knowing what was in front of me, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. In that moment, I realized the power of intuition and how it can guide us even when we are unable to see the path ahead.

  "Open your eyes love." his raspy voice spoke in my ear. As my eyes fluttered open to the serene sight of a pond adorned with a colourful array of flowers, I couldn't help but gasp in wonder. The moon, like a gentle guardian, cast its soft glow over the velvety night sky, while the symphony of crickets filled the air with their melodious hum. The breeze, crisp and invigorating, swept through the surroundings, creating a tranquil atmosphere that was nothing short of perfect. This place, nestled in Ridge-wood, had become my sanctuary - a refuge I sought whenever the chaos of life became too overwhelming.

It was him who had introduced me to this hidden gem, this oasis of peace amidst the turmoil of the world. He knew just how much I needed moments like these, moments of quiet reflection and solace. Since the loss of my innocence, I had found myself adrift in a sea of emotions, struggling to make sense of the world around me. But here, in this peaceful haven, I found a sense of calm and clarity that eluded me elsewhere.

His presence beside me was a source of comfort and strength, the simplest gestures from him - a smile, a touch, a whispered word of encouragement - held immeasurable value to me. They were like precious gems, rare and beautiful, that I treasured.

In the midst of this enchanting setting, his nervousness was palpable as he awaited my response. "Krystal, do you like it?" he asked, his bottom lip caught between his teeth in anticipation. His eyes searched mine for a sign, a hint of what was to come.

"Like it? you mean love it? And of course I do," I replied with a smile that matched the twinkle in his eyes. As he drew me closer, The moment was perfect, and I couldn't have asked for more. The pond shimmered in the moonlight, reflecting the beauty of the night sky above. The flowers that adorned its banks seemed to glow with an ethereal light, adding to the magic of the moment. It was as if nature itself was celebrating this special occasion with us. 

As we stood there, enveloped in the tranquility of the night, I felt a surge of emotion welling up inside me. As we stood there, lost in each other's eyes, I knew that this was just the beginning of our journey together and as we shared a kiss under the watchful gaze of the moon, I felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over me."Robin?" I spoke, my voice tinged with nervousness.  

  Yes, my love?" he spoke lustily as he gently lifted my chin to meet his gaze. I hesitated, unsure of the words that were on the tip of my tongue but desperate to hear his response.

 "Krys?" his smirk slowly faded. In the stillness of the moment, My words hung heavy in the air "What's the matter, talk to me," he spoke more serious than before.

"I just - I um... have you ever thought about ending our relationship?" I asked filled with uncertainty. Imagine finding solace in someone who seemed to be the answer to all your prayers, the embodiment of your deepest desires. This person held the key to your heart, offering affection and care in a world that often felt cold and indifferent.

"What makes you doubt us? Why would you even think of that?" He questions.

  "Just answer" I free myself from his hold. Tears welled up in my eyes as I searched his for a response. A swell of emotions surged within me. The vulnerability of seeking honesty clashed with the fear of being misled. The realization that trust could be shattered for personal gain haunted me."You don't need to lie to me, I'll admit, I'll be livid but better the truth than smooth-talk." I said as I braced myself for his response. The yearning for the truth, no matter how harsh, outweighed the allure of sweet lies.

"No way," he declared confidently, pulling me closer and embracing me tightly once more, but this time his touch felt different, it was filled with desire. "Let's not spoil this beautiful evening with silly fears, Krystal. I truly mean it when I say I care for you," he murmured into my ear as he held me closely.

   "Hey, I just remembered something." I gently traced my fingertips along his chest, teasingly  biting my bottom lip.

"What is it, my love?" his eyes locked in with mines as his palms griped my ass tightly, causing me to gasp softly.

"It's our anniversary," I said with a smile.

"And?" he replied, his desire evident in his voice.

I tiptoed closer to him, whispering in his ear, "Make love to me."

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