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Next day.

"You only get one phone call sir and you have 2 minutes so please,  use it wisely."  The police officer told Harry leading him towards the phone box.

After dialing the number it rang and went straight to voicemail. He tried again  for the second time hoping that she'll pick up.

"Hello?" she answered not knowing the number or who was calling.

"Jaz!" He breathe. "I need to see right now. I have no idea what's going on or why I'm here."

"Harry? where are you?"

"I'm in jail jaz. Its the station next to the place I bought you that um,  that souvenir bracelet a month ago."

"Ok I'll be there in 15 minutes"

"Ok please hurry, its f*cking scary here!"

"Ok bye"

"Times up back to your cell now. Move it!" The officer yelled hitting him with a black stick repeatedly.

"Alright alright I'm moving. Dammit."


"Hey you with the long hair! Get up you have a visitor." The police officer unlocked the cell letting Harry out . He showed him to an empty room.  "Your visitor said it was personal so sit and wait here."

Few minutes after the same officer came back and took off Harry's handcuffs and told him he had 10 minutes to talk and left the room.

"Harry!" Jaz open the door and ran into his arms and surprisingly they kissed. Its like she totally forgot what had happen between them.

It was like they both still had feelings for each other but just didn't know it. The way he  held her face and kissed her gently treasuring the moment. He felt like he hadn't kissed her in months in fact, years.

After a minute or two she broke away from the kiss but ended up staring into each others eyes.

"Baby I'm sorry for everything that I did to you, I truly am." He said breaking the silence. "

"I know your are but its not gonna change anything. I'm still hurt Harry, really hurt. What's worst is that I got expelled today and -"

"What!" He cut her off. "How!? Why!?"

"Kardie and I  got reported to the principal office for fighting  and I guess she told the principal everything about the sex affairs and what has been going on"

"Is that's why I'm Here?"

"Yes Harry you could end up going to jail for a life time. "

"What? They can't do that. They have no evidence on me."

"She told me she was p-pregnant. That's enough evidence to say you were having sex affairs with young girls even if we deny it but her being pregnant, non of us can deny"

"Sigh. I'm such a d*ck. I still can't understand why I did it. I had a choice and I let myself down and worse, I let you down. I'm so sorry Jaz, I truly am."

"I know you are Harry but I need time to let this pass and I don't know how long it's going to take. Everything is just so complicated right now."

"Take all the time you need but I'll never stop thinking about you."

"She also said the two you are moving on together."

"What?! That's not true. She lied to you Jaz.

"What do you mean?"



"What's your problem now kardie, why did you make me come here?"

"So I could tell you the good news in person" she smiled evilly running her hand through her soft black hair. "I'm pregnant Harry, I'm pregnant with your baby"

"WHAT! No you can't be! The last time we had sex was -"

"3weeks ago, to be exact, 3weeks and four days."

"And when did you find out you were preg-"

"2weeks ago! "

"Is this why I'm here?"

"Enough questioning Harry its time for actions now."

"Actions , what actions?"

"Sigh. Your always confused, so cute. You and I should move to London and live there together, you know like a family and I'll meet your mom and dad and we'll become great friends and your mom can come over and we'll bake cookies and she can spend time with her grand child on weekends and - "

"Stop! Just fucking stop! Do you know how delusional  you sound right now?"

"Harry I just thought -"

"You listen and you listen to me good! None of that is ever going to happen you understand me! You are are going to abort  that sh*t and your going to stay the f*ck out if my life!"

"Did you just called our baby sh*t?!"

"Our baby? Your crazy kardie."

"But Harry!"

"No buts! I'll pay for the abortion or whatever but I'm not letting you have this kid."

"And what if I do have it!" She folded her arms over her chest switching from one leg to the other.

He walked up to her and whispered in her ear "Try me."

End of FlashBack


"So I beat her a*s for nothing?" Jaz giggled into Harry's chest.

"I can't believe you fought over me?" He chuckled. "I guess someone still has feelings" he smirked at her.

"Dont push it Haz" she poked him in the chest glaring at him.

"Haz? How did you know about that?"

"I always knew about that nickname of yours, I just never called you by it"

"Hmm sure. Well it's fine by me. You call me that from now on, well, if you like."

"Ok I will, Haz"

"I know we've been through a lot and I've hurt you and that's something that takes time to heal but I just wanted you to know that I still have -"

"C'mon buddy times up" the officer barged in and placed the handcuffs on Harry's wrisk.

"Officer wait! Please we need more time." Jazmareé begged pulling on the officers arm.

"You'll have to come on a next visit. Move it! I don't got all day!" He yelled pushing Harry through the door.

"And when is that next visit sir?"

"I don't know try tomorrow. But you have to leave now"

"I'll see you tomorrow Harry!" She yelled at the top of lungs so that Harry could hear her voice over the grunts that he made from the officers torture and the loud chatter in the lobby. Sigh.

After she exited the police building she caught a cab and paid him with the last 20 dollar she had.

Tired and frustrated, Jaz only plan was to take a steaming bath and head straight to bed but as she enter the house she was shocked to meet her mother sitting on a chair from the dinner table.
Legs crossed and face filled with rage.

"Ma, What are you doing here?!"


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