First kiss

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Shannon drove to the store and got Cammies favorite ice cream and drinks.
Cammie text spencer.
Cam: hey
Spens: hi. How you doing?
Cam: I've been better
Spens: I'm so sorry of what happened
Cam: thanks but I don't want to talk about it
Spens: so...wyd
Cam: lying in bed...I have to ask you something
Spens: Kk?
Cam: just to make it clear...when I went on that date with you yesterday...we aren't dating?
Spens: no...I mean I would love to but you have a lot on your plate right now
Cam: thanks
--------------------------------------------------When she got home she went up stairs to see Cammie on her left side on her phone.
"Hey" Shannon greeted. She didn't answer. Shannon had already put the ice cream in the freezer and the drinks in the fridge. She shut her phone off and walked to Shannon, who as standing by her dresser, and hugged her. Shannon hugged back.
"Shannon can I ask you something" she asked.
"Anything Cammie" Shannon said while rubbing her back.
"H-how did you k-know you w-were g-g-gay" she asked with no confidence. She heard Shannon giggle. Cammie pulled away. "It's not funny Shannon! I'm serious"
"I know, I know, I know it's just I thought you were already gay cams. Ya know, that date you went on yesterday with spencer"
"It was a date but I never actually thought about being gay until she brought me on a date"
"Well there's actually a couple ways to know you into girls but I don't think there is something that is that accurate to tell your gay" she chuckled.
"Well" she was waiting for Shannon to speak.
"Well when your walking down the street and a girl says your beautiful and asks you on a date what do you say" she asked.
"Well obviously yes"
"Ok so when you see a pretty girl at the bar with her other "girlfriends" what do you do" she asked. " o pretend I'm the pretty girl. I'll stand over there and do or say anything" Shannon walked over to the other side of her bed pretended to talk.
'I'm gonna do it! Cammie thought. She walked over there. "Hey I'm Camden Scott and I just had to come over here cuz your very pretty"
"Thanks. Well I'm Shannon beverage and your pretty as well" Cammie started to giggle.
"So do you wanna maybe hang out sometime" Cammie asked.
"Ya sure. I'll give you my number" she wrote it down and handed it to Cammie and walked away. Shannon was almost out the door.
"Wait" Cammie ran after her and Shannon stopped. Cammie cupped Shannon's cheeks with her hands and kissed her. Shannon deepened the kiss. She pulled Cammie closer by pulling in by her waist.
'What am I doing! Wait she's kissing back! Why? Why did she kiss me? I thought she likes spencer' Shannon was thinking. Shannon pulled away and ran out of the room.

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