Getting reconized

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It's the first day of eleventh grade and I don't have many friends. I'm Camden Scott and 17 years old.
Cammie drove to school but she picked up her friend heather. Heather got in the car.
Heather: Starbucks?
Cammie: well duh!
They drove to Starbucks but when they got there Cammie had to go to the bathroom.
Heather ordered for her cuz well there beasties. They know everything about each other. Cammie walked to the bathroom.
Cammie was about to open the door until this beautiful girl opened the door from the inside.
Shannon: oh I'm sorry.
Cammie: no it's fine. It's my fault.
Shannon: hey I think I know u.
Cammie: well u look familiar as well. She said with a chuckle.
Shannon: don't u go to school at unity high?
Cammie: ya. I'm in eleventh grade.
Shannon: nice. So I'll see ya there!
Cammie: ya! She said quietly.
Cammie went to the bathroom and got out as fast as she could. Heather was waiting for her in the car. She ran out to the car.
Heather: dude I thought u feel in! She said laughing.
Cammie: ha ha very funny. She said sarcastically.
Heather: well what took so long?
Cammie: uumm. She was debating to tell her what happened.
Heather: hello? U there?
Cammie snapped back to reality.
Cammie: ya uh sorry...what?
Heather: nothing...just drive. She sighed.
They got to the school. Cammie put her head on the steering wheel.
Cammie: uuuggghhh.
Heather: r u going to tell me what's going on?
Cammie: it's nothing...I just forgot to...tell my mom...that I was staying after school! Ya I'm staying after school.
Heather: for what!?
Cammie: uumm
Heather: u know what, I don't care! Can we just go!?
Cammie got out of the car. They walked to Cammies locker. They got there and Cammie got her social studies binder out.
Heather: wait here! With that she left to go see her boyfriend Dan.
Cammie just sighed and took out her phone.
She saw someone walking towards her in the corner of her eye. She leaned on her right shoulder and said.
Shannon: we meet again!
Cammie looked up at her and smiled.
Cammie: well it's good to see again.
Shannon: well Friday we r having a party! I was wondering if u wanted to come??!
Cammie: well I mig-Cammie got cut off by heather.
Heather: she'll be there! Standing beside Cammie.
Shannon: great! U can come to if u want!
Heather: will do!
Shannon: well...see ya later Cammie!
Cammie: bye!
Heather: u ready to go?
Cammie nodded and they left to go to social studies. Social studies was boring as usual. Cammie felt her ass vibrate from her phone.
???: hey.
Cam: who is this?
???: oh just some girl who bumped into u at Starbucks.
Can: shan?
Shan: yep😊
Cam: could have just told me ur
Shan: so...Watcha doin?
Cam: well trying to pay attention to the movie....u
Shan: well pay attention geometry...I know I'm smart☺️😝
Cam: lol...then u can't text me anymore😂😁 I'm in geometry too...I'm just as smart😝
Shan: it's fun texting u tho😄 and u don't to rub it in...
Cam: just saying...I have a question?
Shan: r u sure it's a question...😂
Cam: shut up😒 do u want to come to my house after the basketball game?
Shan: why not... I'll pick u up at ur house and we'll go to the game together!
Cam: kk ttyl...uumm can I sit by u at lunch?
Shan: uh no....jk
Cam: that's not funny Shannon!
Shan: I got a laugh out of it see ya
After ten minutes class was over. Its fifth period. Ally went over to Cammies locker.
Ally: so I've seen u made a new friend!
Cammie: ya...I guess.
Ally: dude she's been checking u out all day!
Cammie: shut up ally! What do u want? Ally chuckled.
Ally: I was just wondering if ur going to the game?
Cammie: why? Is it the girls or boys playing?
Ally: I wouldn't be going if it was the guys...duh! Ally and Cammie laughed.
Cammie: well I am going. Not cuz the girls r playing! Shannon invited me. She said while smiling.
Ally: of course u r u stud! Well I'm going with Stevie even tho she doesn't like basketball.
Cammie: ally! I'm not a stud...I've only dated two guys. She said so ally could only hear. I haven't even had my first kiss!
Ally: I know I know...maybe-ally got cut off by Cammie.
Cammie: ALLISON HILLS DONT U DARE SAY IT! She aggressively but trying to sound calm.
Ally: alright but I'm telling u I think u should go for it!
Cammie: I'm walking away now. She left ally and went to science.
Cammie sat in the back of the room. She realized Shannon was in her science class. She was sitting by this red haired girl. Stevie came in and sat next to Cammie.
Stevie: hey. Why u stalking the basketball star?
Cammie: hi and what do u mean basketball star?
Stevie: that's right I don't go to any of the schools games! She is the best basketball player in the school. She's even better then half the boys on varsity team.
Cammie: huh...she's that good?
Stevie: ya she made varsity when she was in ninth grade.
Cammie: really? What other sports she play?
Stevie looked at her funny and chuckled.
Stevie: u go ask her u stalker!
Cammie looked at Stevie.
Cammie: shut up! I'm not stalking her.
Stevie: why u looking at her then? She said laughing.
Cammie shrugged.
Stevie: whatever...why do u want to know so much about her tho?
Cammie: she's taking me to the game.
Stevie: holy shit Cammie! Half the class looked at Cammie.
Cammie: was that!
Stevie: Cammie u might get a girlfriend!
Cammie: I'm not gay!
The bell rang and everybody sat down.
Stevie: well u r...u might not know it yet but me and ally can see it! She whispered.

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