Am I a Hoe?

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Shannon came back and we were waiting for the doctor to come back.
"Hey mom?"
"Yes sweetie?"
"Could you give me a sec with cam?"
With that Shannon's mom left the room and waited in the hall. I wondered why she wanted to talk to me in private.
"I'm sorry" I blurted out cutting her off
Shannon chuckled. "What for"
I put my head down, staring at the ground. I see her sit up and face towards me.
"Hey come here"
I get up from my chair and stand in front of her.
I sit.
"Do you like me?"
I was so stunned about the question. " I uh. Yeah I do"
She smiled and started to lean in. " good"
Before I could say anything she had kissed me. She had her hand behind my neck so all I could do was deepen the kiss. All of a sudden I hear the door open. It was her mom.
"Hi" her mom said with a smile on her face
I turned towards Shannon and she was smiling too.


I was smiling at my mom and then the door opened again.
"Hello Shannon" the doctor greeted
"Hey doc"
"So we have some good news and some bad news"
"What's the bad news?" my mom asked
"Shannon" he said looking back at me. "You broke your hand in three different places. I'm just wondering, do you work out". We both chuckled. "Because damn you can punch hard"
"Kinda and where?"
"Well you broke your pinky, middle finger, and your wrist and it also chipped a piece of bone so we are gonna have to do surgery and get it"
"And the good news?"  I asked getting annoyed
"You get to pick the color of the cast?" I just started laughing.
"That's the good news" then he chuckled and realized that wasn't the "good" news I was hoping for.

*after surgery*

"So the surgery went well and now we just need the color of the cast you want"
I rolled my eyes. "Sh wants pink" Cammie blurred out
"Hell no" I stated
"Why not it's a pretty color" she said laughing
"Green" I said looking towards the doctor then turning towards Cammie giving her the death glare.

*two hours later*

"Ugh I fucking hate this mom" I said groaning while walking out of the emergency room
"Shannon watch your language! And next time punch a pillow"
I just glared at her.
"Mom I'm gonna ride with Cammie"
"Ok but be home by 10"
I gave her a hug and said goodbye.
"So you want to go to Macdonald's and get a smoothie?" I asked Cammie while getting in her car
"Hey you ok"
"What's wrong"
"You can't just kiss me like you did today and not admit that you like me" she said looking into my eyes
"Forget it" she said with anger in her voice
She started the car and drove to Macdonald's.
She parked the car and got out. We walked inside and ordered a strawberry, banana smoothie.
"Hey we gotta go back to school and get our stuff and don't worry I'll help you get your stuff in your bag" she said chuckling
So we head off to the school and we still had about 2 1/2 hours left of school so we decided to stay.
I went to art, and guess what we were doing. Pottery!! Worst fucking class EVER!
I walk in and couple people look at me. I make my way to the table my friends are at. I sat down by Stevie and Kenzie.
"Wow what happened to you" Stevie asked
"Long story I'll tell you both later"
They looked at each other and shrugged and went back to what they were doing. Pottery wasn't that bad but what made it worse is Sophie was in that class.
I just went on my phone and went on social media. Then I saw a girl with blond hair, with a cheerleader outfit on. So I look that way. And here was Makayla.
Head cheerleader.
"Hey cutie"
"Uh h-hi"
"What are you doing Friday night?"
Now that got Stevie and Kenzie's attention.
"Uh nothing why what's up?" I tried to act cool
"Go bow-umm what happened?"
I was confused but looked down. "Oh I uh punched a locker and broke my hand. No big deal"
"Wow ok. So maybe not bowling" she chuckled and so did I. "Movies?"
"Yeah definitely"
"Ok so pick me up at 7:30?"
"Great it's a date" she said smiling and leaning down kissing my cheek

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