[11] sleeping got5

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8:42 a.m

"minju! wake up!" momo called. "yah.. why?" i groaned. "you're phone is ringing. answer it!" she shouted. i took my phone and answered. "yoboseyo?" i said. "minju-ah!" oh? it was jin. "hmm? oppa? what is it?" i asked and momo looked at me weirdly. "wait- you have a boyfriend?! and you're still flirting with youngjae?!" she shouted, suprised.

"flirting? with who? yah! minju!" jin shouted. "momo! he's not my boyfriend! it's jin!" i said to momo. "and i'm not flirting with anyone!" i said to jin.

"you sure about that?" jin asked. "aish. you're not my brother." i said. "why did you call?" i asked. "just wondering if we could meet. i'm getting bored. usually, we would go out and eat,!but now you left me alone." he said in a sad voice. "yah, don't be sad. we can meet later if i'm not busy. promise." i said. "i'll see you later then?" he asked,

"yeah, i'll call you. bye!" i said and hung up. i looked at momo, she was staring at her phone. she had a blank face. hmm.. never saw her do that.. "did hyunsoo text you?" i asked.

hyunsoo, is her boyfriend. they've been together for a year now. he's living at busan though. that's all i know. he's also good looking.

"uhmm.. ani. i was just reading a sad a-article from the uhh.. n-news.." she said. "i'm going out. i'll see you later." she said and grabbed her hoodie and left. that was weird. i went out of our room and checked if she had left.

she had left. i looked around and saw jinyoung and bambam eating on the dining table. "what happened to momo-noona?" bambam asked. "i don't know. she just stormed out." i said. jinyoung stood up and looked out the window. "her scooter is not there." he said.

"omo. maybe something happened to her family.. momo is not a good person when she's angry.." i said, panicking a bit.

"maybe she just need to buy something? i don't think anything bad will happen to her." bambam said. "i don't know!" i shouted. "can you wake up the others?" jinyoung asked. i nodded.

i knocked on mark's and jackson's room and saw them fast asleep.

"jackson! mark! ireona!" i shouted. "five more minutes eomma.." jackson said. "eomma? yah, jackson!" i called. "cook me pancakes please?" he asked. i took one of his pillows and threw it at him and he immediately stood up.

good job minju.

"oh? minju-ah.. was i sleep talking? mian." he said. i laughed. i turned to mark and shaked him. "get up! yah!" i shouted. his eyes opened and closed it again when he saw me. "lazy-butt." i mumbled.

i went out of their room and went to jb's and youngjae's room. they were hugging each other. but mostly, jb was hugging youngjae. haha. that's funny. i took my phone out and took a picture of them.

i guess the rumors were real.. nah. i'm kidding. i took a pillow and threw it at them. "yah! jaebum! youngjae!" i shouted. jb stood up and saw me. "ohh.. hi minju." he said. "i didn't know you were there.." he said. "jinyoung told me to wake the members up.." i said and he nodded.

"i'll go now." i said and left their room. i went to the maknae's room and same thing, threw a pillow at him so he would wake up. "yugyeom-ah!" i shouted. "noona.. five more minutes.." he pleaded. "ani. breakfast is ready!" i shouted. he sat up and sighed. i left the room and sat at the dining table with the others.

two hours had passed..

still no momo. where the heck did she go? i went to our room and saw her phone left on her bed. aish.. that girl.. i tried to open the phone but i couldn't guess the password. god. i stood up and put her phone on the desk. i took a pen but i accidentally hit the glass vase, making it fall on the floor. suddenly, all the boys popped their heads on the door. "what happened!?" they shouted.

"i.. i hit the vase.." i said. "i'm getting the broom!" jinyoung said. "i'm getting the dust pan!" jackson said. "i'm getting my food!" bambam said. "yah, bambam." jb called. he followed him anyways. "noona, kenchana?" yugyeom asked. i nodded and he followed jb. "what happened?" youngjae asked. "i accidentally hit the vase." i said. youngjae went near me and checked my hands. "you got a scratch on your wrist.." he said. "mark-hyung, get me the first aid kit." he said and mark nodded.

"why are you tensed?" he asked. "i just had a bad feeling about momo.. she left without saying anything, left her phone behind, and she stormed out, angry." i said. suddenly, i got a phone call.

it was from an unknown number.
i answered it on speaker.

"yoboseyo?" i said. "is this choi minju?" a voice of a girl asked. "yes." i said. "are you friends with ayuzaki momo?" she asked. "yes, i am. wae?" i asked. "she got involved into an accident." she said.

"mwoh!?" we shouted.

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