[38] jb and junior

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1:27 p.m

"momo! can you not go instead?" jackson asked in a cute way. "no.. my sister got into an accident and i have to visit her.." she said and gave him a soft smile. "mmkay, can you two flirt some other time? i have to talk to momo." i said. "stop ruining the moment, minju." he said and i rolled my eyes. "whatever." i said and left our room to let them have their 'moment', so i sat on the couch and waited.

i thought she liked jin. eh, whatever. he has a girlfriend so nevermind about that. "hey." a familiar voice greeted. "hi jae." i said. "is momo done packing?" he asked and i shook my head.

"jackson's still trying to stop her." i said. "hmm." he said. "were going to go buy food later, do you want anything?" he asked and i shook my head. "how's the dance going by the way?" he asked. "i finished the dance for fly." i said and smiled. "i still have to work on with see the light later with jb and jinyoung." i said and he nodded.

suddenly, momo opened the door pulling her luggage to the door. "is you're aunt there already?" i asked and she nodded. "i'll really miss you guys." she said and pouted. we all gathered to the door and hugged momo.

"take care momo-noona!" yugyeom said.
"bye noona~" bambam said.
"call us when you're in japan!" jb said.
"be careful there, arasso?" junior said.
"annyeong! annyeong!" jae said.
"bye momo! see you soon." mark said.
"i'll miss you momo-ah~" jackson said.

"hey." we said. "ehehe.. thanks guys." she said. i went to her and gave her a big hug. "take care, arasso? call me if you need someone to talk to." i said. "take care of this seven dorks for me, hmm?" she said and i nodded. "we can hear you momo." jackson said and i chuckled. "i'm still not sure if i'll be back in three days, i'll just tell you." she said and i nodded.

the doorbell rang and jaebum opened the door, reveling momo's aunt. "konnichiwa!" i said and she smiled. "ahh! minju!" she greeted and i bowed. "hi boys." she said and they bowed too. "are you ready momo?" she asked and she nodded. "bye guys!" she said and stepped out at the door.

"byeeee! saranghae!" she said and went to her aunt's car. we waved at the door and in a few seconds, we already lost sight of the car.

after all that dramatic stuff, few hours had passed. to be honest, the dorm became quiet.

no bickering, no arguing, no laughing.

"i'm suddenly missing jaebum and momo's bickering." i said and jaebum looked at me. "it's so quiet." i said and they all nodded. "hey mark, talk." i said and he looked at me. "whaaa?" he asked and i chuckled. "nevermind." i said. "should we go practice now..?" i asked jinyoung and he nodded. "we'll just get change." jb said and they went to their own rooms.

"we should get ready to go out too." jae said and they nodded. "jackson-ah, cheer up." i said. "yeah." he said and went to his room.

after some time, we all finished getting ready. we rode the van and mark drove this time and they dropped us off at jyp building.

"bye hyung!" the others said. "bye oppa!" i said and gave him a kiss in the cheek and i went down from the van. "bye guys!" i said.

"byeee!" they all said and drove off. we went inside jyp's building and went to the practice room. "shall we start?" jb asked and we nodded.

naega neomo yeppeso geurae,
naega neomo yeppeso geurae.

after we finally finished the dance, which took three hours, it was seven in the night already. "wahhh! good job guys!" jb said and gave us a bottle of water. "thanks guys." i said and they nodded. suddenly, my phone started ringing.

i took my phone out and saw the called was momo from facetime. "answer it!" junior shouted and so i did.

"momo!" we greeted. "hi!" she shouted. "how was the flight?" i asked. "good, it took only two in half hours." she said. "how is japan?" jb asked. "is it cold?" junior asked. "no. just like in korea." she said. "how's your sister?" i asked and she sighed.

"she's.. she's in a coma." she said. "j-jinjja?" i asked. "which means i have to stay longer." she said. "aww.." the two said. "how long?" junior asked. "one or two months..." she said and we sighed. "it's fine momo. watch over your sister and be there for her when she wakes up." jb said.

"thanks guys." she said. "i can handle everything here! this seven are more matured than you think!" i kid. "i know, i trust them." she said and laughed. "i have to go now, thanks guys." she said and we nodded. "annyeong!" we said and waved to the camera.

and so the call ended.

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