[47] hyung line and youngjae

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5:36 p.m

i opened my eyes and the white ceilings blinded my vision. "aish.." i muttered. i tried to stand up but a very familiar voice tried to stop me. i looked at him and realized it was jinyoung-hyung. "h-hyung?" i asked. "youngjae, are you okay?" he asked and i nodded.

i looked around the room and saw mark-hyung on the other bed, sleeping, i think. "is he okay?" i asked. "yeah. he's just sleeping." he said. i looked over at the couch and saw jackson-hyung on his phone and jaebum-hyung just sitting there too.

"i'm glad you're alright." he said. "what happened?" i asked as i tried to remember the things that happened. "minju.." i said.

"wait, where's yugyeom and bambam?" i asked. "they just texted me, they said they found momo and minju.." he said. "let's go then-" i said but he tried to stop me from standing up, again. "hyung, i'm fine." i said. "are you sure?" he asked and i nodded.

"though, i don't think jaebum-hyung is okay.." he said and we looked at him. "yah, you..." he pointed at jackson-hyung. "you look familiar.. are you korean..?" he said.

"he drank those medicine thingy that makes pain go away, kind of like anesthesia, or he will have a severe headache." jinyoung-hyung said and i nodded. he had a bandage on his head, that makes sense. he look over at me and smiled. "you! haha.. you're the sun." he said.

i chuckled a bit and he laughed. "mark-hyung." i called and he opened his eyes. "oh? youngjae, you're awake. are you okay?" he asked and sat up from the bed. i nodded. suddenly, jackson-hyung's phone started ringing. "oh, it's bam." he said and answered it then put it on speaker.

"hyung!" two voices shouted.

wait, that's yug and bam. "help us! he has a gun!" bam shouted. "minju-noona and momo-noona is here!" yug shouted. "were here at the burnt building near-" he shouted but the call got cut off.

"burnt building?" i asked. "the one on the news!" jackson-hyung shouted. "hehehe.. your funny.." jaebum-hyung said and hit jackson-hyung's chest. "yah, only youngjae can do that." he kid. "lol." i said. "it's the building that got on a fire a few years ago or something.." mark-hyung said.

"what are we waiting for then?" jinyoung-hyung said. "let's go!" i shouted.

we left the hospital, and thought if we should just walk or drive. "can't we just hi-jack a car or something..?" jaebum-hyung asked. "god, you're getting worse." i said. "you.. you're youngjae!" he said.

"hm. at least you know my name." i said and he laughed weirdly. "you're yoo youngjae!" he said. "no hyung, i'm choi youngjae." i said. "sure you are..." he said.

i rolled my eyes at him, he made no sense. "we should just walk. bam said it's nearby." jackson-hyung said and we nodded. we walked and walked and tried to find that building or something. luckily, there weren't that much people around.

that's when i stopped walking.

"hyung.." i said and pointed at the building right there in the side. "that must be the one." mark-hyung said.

a/n: sorry if this was a late update :< i was busy the whole day, my cousin's fam went to our house, then my fam went to church, go grocery shopping, then went to my cousin's house. that's when i finally got to write, ahaha. but y'all didn't need to know that ㅋㅋㅋ i'll try to write another one.


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