[42] crash!?

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9:52 a.m

i opened my eyes, thinking it was still early. nope. it's not. i took my phone and saw a text from momo. finally, she texted me back. i've been texting her but she hasn't been answering me.

i'm coming back later at twelve.


wait, she's coming back today!? oh? why didn't she tell me earlier? i stood up immediately and ran out to the living room and saw all the seven sleepy, groaning boys. "yah." i called.

"momo's coming back today." i said.

jackson's eyes shot open and he stood up. he took my phone and read the text. "that's it?" he asked and i nodded. "well, what are we waiting for then?" he asked and stared at his members. he sighed and looked at me.

"yah! wake up!" i shouted at them. hm. if i throw a bucket of water at them, will they get mad at me? "hey jackson, throw a bucket of water at them." i whispered to him. he nodded and grabbed his water bottle.

wait, he's actually-

"yahhhhhh!" they shouted. oops. "what was that for!?" they shouted. i tried to hold in my laughter but it was too funny. "hahahaha!" i laughed. "you all look like wet dogs!" i said. "we can see that." jb said and i continued laughing. "yah, just.. just get ready.. we'll be fetching her later." i said and jackson laughed.

i went back to my room and changed my clothes and brushed my hair, when i heard a knock on the door.

"come in." i said. i turned around and saw jae with a towel on his hair. "oppa." i said and smiled. "where did you even get the idea of getting us wet?" he asked and chuckled. "jin did it to me once and it woke me up. did it work though?" i asked and he nodded.

"not to mention that the water was cold.." he said and i laughed. "hehe.. sorry." i said. "haha, its alright." he said and sat on my bed. i tied my hair into a ponytail then sat beside him. i grabbed the towel on his shoulders and dried his hair.

"thanks." he said and i nodded.

"are you feeling better?" he asked and i nodded. "thanks, for being there, the other day." i said and he gave me a smile. "you should thank mark-hyung too." he said. "i did." i said.

i leaned my head on his shoulder and took my phone out. i opened my text box from momo and read her previous text over and over again. "why are you reading that again and again?" he asked. "i don't know. it's weird. why did she text me something like that?" i asked and he shrugged.

"you don't think, something could've happened to momo?" i asked. "momo's a brave girl who can fight for herself, and a girl who can knock out three boys at a time." he said and i gave him a look.

"oh. she knocked out jaebum-hyung, jackson-hyung and bambam all together two months ago." he said and i laughed. "i see. i do hope so." i said. "besides, if something happened to momo, she wouldn't have asked us to fetch her." he said and i nodded.

"we should go now." i said and he nodded.

after a few minutes, we all went to the van and drove off to the airport, which was a thirty minute drive. i sat at the back of the van beside jae and jinyoung who was fast asleep. including yugyeom and bambam who was asleep too.

i decided to listen to music instead so i plugged in my earphones and played my songs.

twenty minutes had passed and we were almost there. i looked out at the window beside jinyoung and noticed a car. a black car.

who was...
driving towards us..
oh my god.

my eyes became wide as i shouted jb and mark's name. "jb.. jb! mark!" i shouted and jb looked at me. "drive faster-" i shouted but got cut off when i heard a crashing sound.

i closed my eyes, and felt my head hit the front seat. aish!

the car hit us. the impact that was so hard, it made jb and mark unconcious. "guys!" i called out. it made the others who were asleep unconcious too. well, some of them were. i could hear jackson groaning. "bambam! yugyeom!" i shouted as i tried to wake them up. "jackson!" i shouted but he didn't hear me.

it's like he was half-asleep.

i looked over at my side and saw jinyoung a bit awake. "jinyoung! are you alright!?" i shouted and shook him. "m-minju.." he muttered. i slapped his face but it didn't work. oops.

i looked over at youngjae and saw him opening his eyes. "w-what the.." he said. "youngjae!" i called. but that's when the door of the van opened. i saw a man wearing a black suit. "holy f- who are you!?" i shouted. he didn't say anything and all he did was tried to pull me out of the van.

well, he did.

"yah!" i shouted. "youngjae!" i called. the man was too strong, and i couldn't fight back. youngjae went down from the van and i could tell he felt dizzy. "m-minju!" he shouted. the man pulled me harder and pushed me inside his car that hit our van.

and that's where my vision turned into nothing.

a/n: hiiii! i'll be posting another chapter later! haha, i feel this chapter was weird but ya know. okie brb.


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