7. Getting Adjusted

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Juvia stayed at Porlyusica's place for almost a week before she was deemed healthy enough to go back to the guild and start working on jobs as per usual.

Unfortunately, her memory hadn't improved.

Juvia felt awkward as she approached the huge guild hall. It was evening, and the town was all lit up. The sight of the hall brought a warm feeling rushing inside of her, but she was uncertain. She didn't remember anything, and she was afraid that she would say the wrong thing or do something stupid. Cautiously, she walked inside.

The atmosphere was friendly, loud, and downright crazy. There was a fight going on between a bunch of guys and lots of people were spectating, rooting for them to beat each other up. Juvia recognized Natsu and the other boy. What was his name again? Oh yes... Gray.

Juvia stayed in the corner, not sure who to approach. Then, she spotted Lucy, who looked over and made eye contact.

"Juvia! You're back! I'm so glad to see you," Lucy said, with a genuine smile. "These boys, am I right?" She rolled her eyes.

The shared a laugh in their expense and Lucy invited Juvia to the back where Mira, Lisanna, and a few other girls were hanging out, avoiding the fight.

"Juvia! How are you feeling?" Mirajane asked, enveloping her in a warm hug.

"My head is fine, but...not what's inside," Juvia said. "I still don't remember anything."

A silence fell over them, but Lucy quickly covered it up.

"I'm sure you will soon. And even if you don't, we're here to tell you everything you need to know, okay?" Lucy put her hand on Juvia's.

"So, tell me about everyone in here, and any relation I might have with them," Juvia said. "I need to learn this stuff as quickly as possible."

"Of course!" Lucy said. "Let's start in the corner..."

Lucy taught Juvia the names of everyone in the guild and any interactions she remembered that Juvia had with them. There were a lot of gaps, but Juvia started to get a sense of her place in the guild. She wasn't exactly the most likable. A lot of people seemed to think she was weird. But she could tell that she was respected, which made Juvia wonder exactly how strong her powers really were.

"And then, you've got Natsu," Lucy said. "You seemed pretty annoyed by him a lot and you two didn't really hang out a lot, but we've been on jobs together before, and we've been through a lot together. So I would consider you guys friends."

Juvia noticed that Lucy smiled with a particular warmness when she talked about Natsu. For some reason, it stirred up an uncomfortable feeling in her stomach.

"And last but definitely not least, there's Gray, your love," Lucy said, with a laugh.

"My what?" Juvia asked, bewildered.

"You know, your crush, the apple of your eye. You're obsessed with him. You follow him around everywhere and you make him presents and you always want to be by his side. Gray? You don't feel any of that anymore?" Lucy asked, confused.

"Him? Juvia liked... Gray?" Juvia found that hard to believe. He was good looking, but her first impression of him was that he was cold and indifferent to her. If she liked him before, she certainly didn't anymore.

"Oh, well maybe not anymore..." Lucy almost felt sad. Juvia's obsession with Gray felt like a huge part of her old personality. And now, she looked mortified at the mere prospect of having a crush on him.

"Well, that was Juvia from the past. I guess..." Juvia took a deep breath and looked at Lucy. "I guess this accident has given me a way to start fresh. I am a new person now, and I hope that I can start a new life."

Out of the corner of her eye, Juvia saw a flash of pink before, suddenly, someone barreled into her and knocked her over.

"AAAAAH! GRAY, I'LL KILL YOU!" Natsu yelled as he got up. Then he noticed Juvia on the ground beneath him.

"Oh! Juvia, how long were you down there?" He helped her up and laughed sheepishly. "Sorry 'bout that!"

"It's okay..." Juvia said, trying to hide the rapid blush that was taking over her face. What is wrong with me? Juvia straightened herself up.

"Hey! You idiot, she just got out of bed rest and you're coming here and knocking her all over the place? Be a little more careful, would you??" Lucy yelled, smacking Natsu on the head.

"I said I'm sorry!!" Natsu glowered at Gray. "You did this! I'll get you for that!" And with that, he was gone.

"Yeesh... You can't get a break around here," Lucy said.

"Yeah..." Juvia smiled. It was an exciting place to be, Fairy Tail. She was glad she was part of this guild.

Then, Juvia had a strange sensation. She looked over to the entrance of the guild hall. A tall, metal-covered guy with crazy black hair was walking in, looking menacing.

"I know him," Juvia said, suddenly.

"Oh yeah, Gajeel! I almost forgot. You two came from the same place," Lucy said.

"Juvia!" Gajeel said sharply, as he approached them. "I heard about what happened. We need to talk."

Juvia was confused. "What's wrong?"

Gajeel grabbed her hand. "It's important. Let's go, now."

He pulled her along, and Juvia followed him. She felt nostalgia as she peered into his face. She felt like they had been through a lot together. His grip was tight, but she knew that he meant no harm. As a matter of fact, it almost felt like he was scared. Confused, but intrigued, Juvia followed Gajeel out into the night.

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