21. Regaining Senses

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Gray was at Porlyusica's home again.

"What do you want?" Porlyusica looked annoyed. She had had way too many visitors recently.

"It's Juvia. She's herself again, but at the same time...she's completely different..." Gray held his head in his hands.

"Was it the potion? I knew I shouldn't have given it to you..." Porlyusica cursed.

"I just don't get it...why? She seems normal except for how she sees me. Doesn't she remember correctly?" Gray asked, frustrated.

"Well, that potion is risky. My guess is that when you administered it to her, she was harboring some negative feelings towards you, and the potion incorporated those negative emotions into her memories of you," Porlyusica said.

Gray fell silent for a few minutes. He wondered what was worse: a Juvia who was not in control but was still herself on the inside or a Juvia who was in control but was not herself on the inside.

"I had to do it," Gray said, trying to convince himself. "I had to..."

Porlyusica looked at the boy, who had a tortured expression on his face. She sighed.

"Her memories of you may be tainted, but that doesn't mean you can't start making a good impression on her from now onwards," Porlyusica said.

Gray looked up at her. "So...what? I should pretend nothing happened and start kissing up to her?"

Porlyusica smacked him on the head. "If your pride is what's in your way, then I have nothing else to say to you!"

She drove Gray out and regained her composure. Shaking her head, she silently hoped that Gray would come to his senses.


Juvia joined the guild for lunch. Natsu called her over to his table where he was sitting with Lucy, Happy, Gajeel, and Levy.

"Hey, Juvia! Feeling better?" He asked. "Or are you still psycho--"

Lucy smacked him before Juvia could hear that last word.

"Thanks for asking, Natsu-san... Juvia is feeling...complicated things," she smiled at him.

Natsu shrugged. "I'm sure you'll be fine. Wanna sit?" He moved over to make space for Juvia.

Juvia sat. She smiled at Natsu's kindness and recalled her crush on him from right after she had her amnesia.

"Natsu, pace yourself!" Lucy yelled, as Natsu started scarfing down his food. "You'll choke again!"

Natsu and Lucy bantered back and forth and Juvia looked on. When her memories came back, she also remembered how much she knew Lucy liked Natsu. She knew that if she had remembered that sooner, she never would have crushed on Natsu like she had.

Lucy saw Juvia's smile and smiled back.

"What're you smiling at?" Lucy asked Juvia.

"Mm...it's nothing. Juvia thinks...a lot has happened recently. She thinks she has regained her senses, though," Juvia said. She thought back to her journal. Her heart twinged in sadness. She still wasn't sure about what to do with her confusing feelings towards Gray-sama.

"See? I knew you'd be fine soon," Natsu smiled. Juvia smiled back at him. Even though her romantic feelings for him were fading, she knew she would always value him greatly as a friend.

When Gray walked into the guild hall, his head swarming with complicated thoughts about Juvia, the first thing he saw was how happy Juvia looked, sitting at a table with Natsu and the others. Happier than she had looked since this whole ordeal began. It hurt something inside Gray in a way he didn't realize someone's happiness ever could.

"Hey, it's Gray! The whole gang is here now," Levy noticed Gray in the entrance of the guild hall. Juvia perked up at the mention of Gray, but he refused to look at her.

Without a word, Gray turned and left.

"What's with him?" Gajeel asked.

Juvia's smile was wiped off her face and she looked troubled. Natsu noticed how Juvia's face fell, and his brow furrowed in anger.

"Damn that idiot! We were just making progress with Juvia here, and he had to go and ruin it all," Natsu yelled. He stood up.

"I'm going to go knock some sense into him, okay Juvia? Wait here," Natsu said, clenching his fists.

Juvia didn't know what to say. She looked down. She couldn't help but feel like everything was her fault.

"Natsu, don't do anything irrational," Lucy said.

"No promises!" Natsu yelled as he ran out of the guild to find Gray.

Juvia turned to face Lucy.

"Lucy...Juvia is sorry," Juvia said.

"Huh? Why are you apologizing to me?" Lucy asked, confused.

"Because...When Juvia lost her memories, she became a hypocrite! She became Lucy's Love Rival!" Juvia bowed. "The last thing Juvia would ever want to do is get in between Lucy and Natsu-san..."

"Eh?! There's nothing going on between us!" Lucy yelled.

"Yeah right, Lu-chan," Levy butted in sarcastically, immensely enjoying the conversation.

"Bunny girl and Salamander? I thought they were already together or something," Gajeel said.

"No!!" Lucy yelled, covering her face, which was bright red.

"Lucy doesn't need to hide anything from Juvia," Juvia said with a smile.

"I'm not..." Lucy mumbled, looking away. But she was relieved that Juvia was smiling again. She looked out the guild hall doorway. If Natsu could somehow manage to get Gray to come back and get on good terms with Juvia again, everything would finally be settled.

A/N: So yeah, Navia is more of a BROTP for me. Sorry, Navia shippers!

Okay so tbh this whole story spiraled into a direction I didn't even intend for it to... But it's almost over! Only a few more chapters.

But I'm probably going to post the first chapter of my new Jerza fanfic today! Keep your eyes peeled.

Anyways, thanks for reading even after all these winding unnecessary storylines and random twists 😂 I appreciate it!

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