20. Juvia's Room

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Juvia walked into her room and switched on the lights. She blinked slowly. With all the dramatic recent events she had forgotten about her room.

It was covered in Gray.

Gray plushies, Gray sheets, Gray pillows, Gray posters, Gray figurines.

"Oh, Juvia from the past...Why?" Juvia closed the door and sighed.

After Natsu had stopped her fight with Gray, Juvia could tell that everyone was uneasy. They didn't recognize this new Juvia. They didn't like her.

Gajeel had kept giving her a weird look, and Lucy couldn't meet her eyes at all. Gray wouldn't stop staring at Juvia, which she found ironic. How the tables have turned, Gray-sama. But she was pretty sure he was just staring at her in shock.

None of them could imagine a Juvia who wasn't obsessed with Gray-sama.

Tch. Juvia was annoyed that she automatically thought of Gray as Gray-sama. It was like an instinct.

Juvia grabbed all the nearest Gray dolls and threw them in the trash. She ripped the posters off the walls and pulled the sheets off her bed. Juvia remembered buying all these things, but for the life of her, she could not remember why.

Why? It was like Juvia had been filled with the memories of another person and she couldn't figure them out. From the memories of the amount of rejections she got from Gray, the cruel words he had said to her, the times he had ignored her... Juvia could only imagine hating him.

She remembered that Gray had defeated her that one time when she was still in Phantom Lord. He had opened Juvia's eyes to the sunshine and led her to Fairy Tail. Juvia could understand being thankful to him.

But why was she so obsessed? It was totally unprecedented.

Suddenly, Juvia felt a blinding pain in her skull.

He never cared about you. The words echoed in Juvia's mind, but they weren't hers.

What...was that? Juvia gasped. She lay down on her bed, regaining her thoughts. She rolled over and was faced with a Gray poster on her wall. She frowned, tearing it down.

Juvia continued to empty out her room. Then, under a huge pile of Gray merchandise, she noticed a journal. It was plain, but it was colored gray. Of course.

Juvia had a faint memory of the journal, but it must have been really old because even with her memories, she couldn't remember what she had written in it. But she felt drawn towards it, like her past self was reminding her that it was important.

Juvia opened the book and started to flip through it. It had a few love poems, some recipes jotted down, and lots of doodles of Gray and Juvia and even some possible future children. Juvia cringed.

Then, she came across a longer passage, like a diary entry. Intrigued, Juvia started reading.

Today, Gray-sama and Juvia went on a job together. It was a tough job, and on the train ride home, Juvia was tired. She put her head on Gray-Sama's shoulder so she could sleep. He made an annoyed sound but he didn't shake Juvia off his shoulder. Juvia was tired, but she was so excited that she was so close to Gray-sama that she couldn't sleep. Then Gray-sama noticed Juvia was quivering with excitement and thought she was shivering because it was cold. Gray-sama took off his jacket and put it on Juvia. It was so nice of Gray-sama to do that, and Juvia wanted to thank him. But the jacket was so warm and Gray-sama's shoulder was so comfortable that Juvia drifted off into sleep before she knew it...
When Gray-sama woke Juvia up, the train had arrived at Magnolia. Gray-sama took his jacket off of Juvia and then woke her up. Juvia knows because when she woke up the jacket was no longer around her. Juvia felt sad because Gray-sama didn't want her to wake up and see that he had done something nice for her. But then Juvia looked at Gray-sama's face and...he was blushing. It was very subtle and Juvia almost missed it, but she is sure now. Gray-sama is just shy when it comes to love. Juvia is the opposite and she always wants to declare her love for Gray-sama. But she can't help it! Gray-sama deserves all the love in the world and more. And if he doesn't want to show Juvia his love the same way, she is fine with that. It doesn't mean he doesn't care about her...

Juvia closed the journal before she could read anymore. Without her realizing it, her eyes had welled up with tears.

"Have I...Has Juvia made a huge mistake...?" She whispered, to no one.


A/N: Oh Juvia!!! 😭💙💔

Vote & comment if you liked the new chapter! I know it was a bit short, sorry about that!

Notice the third person I threw in there in the last line? ;) Maybe Juvia is going back to normal??? WHO KNOWS. Find out in the next chapter ;)

As always, thanks for reading!!

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