16. Splitting Ways

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Okay, I think this needs to be said: so far, this fanfic hasn't been strictly Gruvia or Navia. You'll just have to keep reading to find out which one it is... ;) Comment which one you ship more! (It won't affect the outcome of the story, though, which I have already decided)
Either way, thanks for reading!



Natsu, Lucy, and Happy fought through the gang of Serpents of Chaos that they encountered.

"Wait...where's Gray?" Natsu asked after they had defeated all of their opponents.

"And Juvia!" Lucy said, noticing that she was gone as well.

"Heehee...Who knows what they're doing together, alone," Happy said. "But, seriously, all these sudden switches in your love lives are confusing me..."

"Shut up, cat," Lucy said. "This is serious, they could have been hurt."

"Well, it is Gray. He can take care of himself," Natsu yelled, already running. "We'll look for them after we reach Gajeel...Come on!"


Back at the Serpents of Chaos HQ...

Gajeel's head was pounding. Juvia had really hit him hard, and the combination of that with all the other attacks had knocked him unconscious.

But he was up now, and he was raising hell. Soon, all the remaining Serpents of Chaos were on the ground, beaten by Gajeel's iron fists, except one.

"Give Juvia back! How did you make her turn against me?! How do I get her back to normal?!" Gajeel roared, grabbing the last of the mages by his robes and slamming him against the wall.

"I...I don't know!" He yelled, trying to escape Gajeel's grip but failing miserably. "Only our master Koturo knows that, and he's long gone! He can control her remotely, so he's probably somewhere far from here."

"Gajeel!" Natsu yelled, joining him. Lucy and Happy followed suit. "There you are!"

"Salamander! Did you see Juvia?" Gajeel asked. He tossed the robed man, who fell to his knees and promptly fainted.

"Yeah, she was just with us, why?" Natsu said.

"She was?! Did she attack you, too?" Gajeel asked.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Natsu responded, confused.

"Last I saw her, that creepy master guy, Koturo, was controlling her. He made her... He made her turn against me," Gajeel said, clenching his fist.

"No, it can't be..." Lucy said. "She didn't harm any of us."

"She disappeared when we started fighting, though..." Happy said. A sense of dread filled the room.

"We can't know that it's really her... Did she do anything unusual when she was with you guys?" Gajeel asked.

"Well," Lucy said. "There was that whole thing where she wanted to hold your hand, Natsu."

"Huh? Oh yeah, that was weird. But of all the things an evil guy who has control of a powerful mage would do, that seems like the most random," Natsu said, confused.

"Unless he was trying to get closer to you in order to do something bad later..." Lucy said.

"Sounds like something that coward would do. He couldn't even fight me head on. He used other people...Juvia...as a shield," Gajeel growled.

"What do we do, then? Gray might be with Juvia right now... Who knows what Koturo is planning!" Lucy said, frantically.

"Wait a minute..." Gajeel started sniffing the air.

"What're you trying to smell?" Natsu asked.

"Koturo. One of his men told me that he's controlling Juvia's body from a remote location," Gajeel said. He ran outside to get a better whiff of the air.

"So if we take him out, Juvia will be free?" Natsu said. "That's an easy enough plan!"

"I'll go," Gajeel said. "I want to be the one to bash his head in. You guys should go find Juvia and Gray and make sure they're okay."

"Are you sure you'll be fine going alone?" Lucy asked. "From what I've heard, Koturo is a pretty powerful enemy."

"He won't be alone!" A voice rang out from behind them.

"Levy? What are you doing here?" Gajeel asked, shocked.

"Not just Levy," said a deeper voice.

"Lily!" Happy flew over to them.

"We were looking for you, Gajeel," Levy said, breathing heavily.

She must have run here after hearing me yelling at all those guys, Gajeel thought to himself. He grinned.

"Gihi. Well I guess it's settled, then. The shrimp, Lily, and I will go find Koturo and kick his ass. Salamander, you, Lucy, and Happy go find Juvia and Gray."

"Don't order me around," Natsu said, bashing his skull against Gajeel's.

"Shut up and go, I'm going to lose his scent soon!" Gajeel yelled back.

"Natsu! Come on," Lucy said, tugging at his sleeve. The two of them and Happy went on their way to find Juvia and Gray. Gajeel, Levy, and Lily were left at the HQ.

"Gajeel. We need to be careful. I heard that Koturo has telekinesis powers..." Levy looked up at the metal-studded Dragon Slayer.

Thank god he's okay... When Mira told us that Gajeel and Juvia were walking into a trap, I was so worried... Levy thought to herself.

"I don't care what powers he has. He's trying to use Juvia to hurt the guild... He needs to be taught a lesson." Gajeel slammed his fists together.

"He needs to learn to never mess with Fairy Tail."

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