3. A Dry Lake

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On to the third part! Thanks for reading!


When the mages woke up, they were at their destination.

"So which house do we go to?" Natsu asked. He had rushed off the train as soon as he could, and was standing tall, breathing in the fresh air.

"It says here... 13 Lake Street," Lucy replied.

"Hmm..." Juvia said, chewing her lip.

"What are you hmming about?" Gray asked, noticing her concern.

"13 is such an unlucky number..." She replied.

"Don't be ridiculous," Gray said, rolling his eyes. The mages started looking for Lake street.

Juvia looked around for any sort of lake. She liked it when they got to do jobs near large bodies of water. It gave her an advantage and made her feel peaceful.

Lucy asked a passing girl where Lake Street was, and eventually they found it.

"Oh, no..." Juvia said, as her eyes rested on the landscape next to Lake Street.

It was a dry lake, and it looked like a desert.

"That's ironic. This town is supposed to be known for it's beautiful lake." Lucy said. "Oh well. Let's find 13."

When they got to the house, Lucy knocked.

A tall, impressive looking woman answered.

"Hello. You must be the mages from Fairy Tail?" She asked.

"Yep. That's us!" Natsu said, grinning toothily.

Behind him, Juvia's nervousness grew. She dawdled behind the group as they entered the house.

Gray turned around and saw her nervous expression.

"Come on, Juvia. Quit being so nervous. Nothing bad is going to happen," he said. He walked back to her.

"I just can't help but feel..." Juvia started to say.

"Well, forget the feeling." Gray said, cutting her off. "You have all of us here. Think of how much we've been through. We can get through one little job."

Gray grabbed her hand and pulled her in through the door.

Juvia blushed and followed Gray into the house, holding onto his hand tightly.


I'm going for shorter chapters in this story, so I can update more often. Tell me if you like it!

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