From What Do You Run?

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From what do you run?

From what do you run? Sons of the sun.

We run from the darkness which is close behind.

We run from the enemy that has us in mind.

To where do you fly on hooves of silver?

We flee to the sea and the western lands beyond,

Soon we will be gone, known only in song.

Why do you flee with moonlit coats?

Our green lands are dark, the sky is blackening.

The shadow is swift. Pray we are swifter.

Run, run, Son's of light.

White coat's glowing, mane's a flowing

Run, the shadow is lengthening dark as death,

But the smell of the sea is strengthening.

Run, brothers, run!

Darkness is at your heels,

The forests are under shadow.

Fly, brothers, fly

To the rolling waves of the sea.


This is one of the first poems I wrote. It came to me late at night and I had to madly scribble out the first few lines in the dark. I was able to finish it in the morning.

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