Did someone ask for an 'oh f**k me'?

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Eina's pov


*10 days later*

I felt fear bubble through me for maybe the millionth time since I boarded the plane to England two hours ago. I closed my eyes and took deep breathes to calm myself, and it worked. The fear settled down to a slight twisting in my stomach.

My eyes opened slowly to take in my surroundings. The plane wasn't too full, but it wasn't too empty either. I sat by the middle of the plane closest to the back.

There was no one by me, so I didn't feel that uncomfortable, only slightly light headed. I didn't like heights. No, I was afraid of heights. The only reason I boarded the plane in the first place was because I didn't want to take a boat across the ocean. I got really, really seasick.

I was doing this so I could go live with Sarah. She arranged this plane ride so I could. It took awhile because I didn't want the old lady, Ethel, to pay for me. She insisted but I still declined so we made a deal. If I worked in her shop for nine days, I would have earned my money for my plane ticket. And that I did.

She owned an, get this, antique shop that sold all things that had birch, jungle, and oak wood. I had almost jumped in glee at seeing all the things made of oak wood. I personally liked a dark, oak wood bed frame, that held a twin bed.

I shook my head and looked at the bag on my lap. It held all of my belongings that I had, most bought before I got on the plane. There was two pairs of clothes, a small black blanket, a small flip phone, a toothbrush, a hairbrush, and a locket that I've always had with me, ever since the I left England back to America.

I closed my eyes and leaned back against the headrest on my chair. Then all of a sudden, I was running to the bathroom at the back of the plane. Luckily, no one was in there. As soon as I had the door closed I threw up the contents in my stomach. Which was mostly water and soup.

I grimaced at the toilet and flushed. I had been feeling sick all morning, a little bit before I boarded this godforsaken plane. As soon as I was out of the bathroom, having taken care of washing my hands and mouth, many people were looking at me with worry. I shrugged it off and picked up my fallen bag and sat back down.

My body felt really tired all of a sudden and my eyes started to close, and I slowly nodded off to sleep.


When I opened my eyes, the flight attendant said that we were landing in a few minutes and that we had to buckle our seat belts. I buckled my seat belt and eagerly waited for the plane to land.

Then as soon as we landed, I grabbed my bag and rushed off the plane. In the airport, I immediately went to the bathrooms to relieve myself.

I walked out of the bathroom feeling much better, and went to look for Sarah, who is waiting for me somewhere in here. After what felt like hours of walking I found her looking around for me.

I walked up behind her and very timidly said "Sarah?" In a flash she turned around and I was enveloped in a very tight embrace. I ackwardly stood there while Sarah squeezed me half to death. When she let go and looked at me, her eyes were glassy as she looked down at me.

"Eina..........don't ever leave again." She said to me through a thick voice. I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked at the ground while whispering "But it was my.........." Before I was able to finish Sarah cut my off with a growl as she covered my mouth with her hands.

"It wasn't your fault, Eina. It was an accident. You very young, just twelve. It wasn't your fault you didn't know how to use a propane stove. Tamera decided to save your life when it exploded. It was her choice to give up her life to save yours, don't waste what she gave you." She said with glaring slightly.

I looked down ashamed at myself for disregarding Tamera's gift of life. Sarah sighed and proceeded to take me out of the terminal to an awaiting taxi. As soon as me and my bag were in the back of the cab and Sarah up front the driver took off at a leisurely pace through London. I looked out the window letting my mind wander to that day, so long ago...........



Tamera, how do I work this?" I asked to my best friend of all time, practically my sister. She wasn't paying attention because she was on the phone with the school I was going to go to.

I frowned at the propane stove and turned the nobs trying to get it to start. Then I smelled something. I sniffed the air trying to locate it and decided that it was coming from the stove.

Then I heard a hissing noise and I looked at the stove and looked under it at the propane tank. It was sparking slightly. I went to touch it but I heard a gasp and a hand pulled me away and pushed me across the room as far away from the stove as possible. I was confused and looked back to see Tamera standing in front of the stove, facing away from me.

Then the hissing got louder and then an explosion went off. I was blinded and thrown against the wall behind me. I saw spots and I slowly stood up. I still couldn't see but I felt something warm and squishy under feet.

My vision slowly came back and when it fully came back I almost threw(Sp?) up. Tamera's body was no where to be seen. But her insides and her blood was everywhere. Under my feet the blood slowly cooled as I stood there unmoving, with tears running down my cheeks, and falling to the ground to mingle with the blood.


When I came back to the present I realized tears were streaming down my face and starting to pool on my hands that were resting on my lap. I slowly wiped them away as I looked at Sarah. She was talking quietly on the phone, I could have listened to the whole conversation but I didn't bother to actually try.

*time skip*

When we got to our destination, Sarah led me inside the house. It was a different home from when Tamera was alive. I looked down and followed Sarah through the house as she gave me tour. Then she finally showed me to my room and she left me alone.

*Six days later*

I woke up and immediatly ran to the bathroom to throw up...............again. After awhile I felt soothing hands on my back. Sarah was making soothing noises and was holding my long hair back, away from my face.

After I was zone and I washed out my mouth Sarah took me by my shoulders and sat me on the toilet lid. She told me to wait there and left. Then she came back with a box. She left and I took out the contents. I opened one of the packages and read the directions. As soon as I got it down I pulled up the toilet lid and peed on the stupid stick. When I was done I had to wait a few minutes, and when I looked I dropped the test and let my mouth fall open.

It was..................................................................................................positive.


Last chapter but don't worry there is going to be a second book soon.

The little white fox shifter: Book 1 of the Lost series (Under MAJOR Editing)Where stories live. Discover now