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James pov


  I was walking outside to the car to go to the silver wind pack when my beta, Ryan said "Mabye you'll find your mate, James."

  I sighed then said "I doubt it. I have been looking for five years. I'm twenty-three now and I don't have my Luna. I need to find her before we lose our strength because we don't have both leaders." I sighed again and got into the car.

  I was driving the car to the other pack's territory so I got into the drivers side. My beta got in back and my brother Dillon got in to the passengers side. My third in command, Matt got in with my beta. The others who were going were riding in other cars.

  I started the car and drove away from our pack house.

As soon as we hit the freeway the 'children' in the back started to argue.

"Don't touch me Matt!" Ryan yelled. "I didn't touch you!" Matt yelled back. Then they started arguing about who was better than who, giving me a headache and causing me to become highly irritated.

  I sighed through my nose and ground my teeth together to stop myself from snapping at the two in the back. Dillon chimed in saying that he was better than both of them because he had alpha blood and this caused the argument to become louder.

'This is going to be a long night,' I thought.

*Time skip

  It took five hours to get to our destination but we made it. Everyone jumped out of their cars and walked to the pack house, some running because they wanted out of the car. When we got inside the alpha welcomed us.

"Welcome! Welcome to our pack, Alpha James. We are glad to have you here" He came up to me and shook my hand. He looked to be about 39, so that made him older than me..

When he started talking again, I wasn't listening. I was sniffing the air. I smelt the most amazing thing in the world. It smelt like Vanilla and lavender and it made me feel at home as well as safe. It was coming from upstairs and I wanted to investigate it but didn't want to make a big scene.

  "Where's the bathroom?" I asked the alpha in hopes that this was a good enough diversion. "Upstairs to your right and its the second to last door in the hallway." He said with a slightly confused and put of face. I muttered my thanks and took off.

  The smell was coming from in front of me which was the door at the end of the hallway. Right by the bathroom. I walked towards the door and knocked loudly.

  I pressed my ear to the door and I heard a shower running. I figured she had a bathroom in her room so I decided to walk in. I opened the door quietly and walked to the bathroom door. The smell got stronger so that must mean she was in there. I pressed my ear to the door but I didn't hear anything.

'Wasn't she just taking a shower?' I thought.

  I decided to leave just in case she didn't have clothes to change into but I would find her soon. I walked downstairs and told the Alpha to get ready for training.

  I made my way to the house we were staying in and walked inside. Then walked into the room I was given and got changed into something I could easily train in.

   I was walking outside when I was hit with that smell again. Vanilla and lavender. I looked around to see where it was coming from. My eyes scanned the crowd and they landed on a girl of about 5'3'' with long blond hair and a small, fragile looking figure. I growled loudly and stalked towards her. 

"MATE" I growled. I pulled her small body towards my own and I breathed in her wonderful, calming scent. She turned around in my arms and I looked into her amazing green emerald eyes.


The little white fox shifter: Book 1 of the Lost series (Under MAJOR Editing)Where stories live. Discover now