Darkness and light

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   Ok I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time but I have an excuse. I was grounded because I yelled at my step mom.

  But hey I've finally updated. The song above is one of my favorites but I'm sorry if you don't like MLP because I do.

  So here's the chapter for you guys.


Eina's pov


  Darkness, darkness. I was surrounded by darkness.

  No wait there was something in the distance. A light?

  Yes, its a light. A little ball of golden,pulsing light.

   I tried to reach towards it but with every step I took it got further away.

  I got frustrated and started to run towards it. The light was getting further away and soon was only a speck in the distance.

  I growled in frustration and stopped running. I stared at the speck of light and sighed.

  I sat on the, actually, I don't know what to call it. Air?

  I sat there and tried to recollect my memories. I couldn't remember what happened in the past two days.

  Every time I got close to reaching them they slid away from my grasp.

  Then slowly, slowly my memories came back. I remembered the rouge king finding me.

  Getting chased by him and his friends. Then him catching me.

  My memory then became foggy and misty and I couldn't reach them.

  I tried and tried but I couldn't get them. I sighed in frustration then burst into tears.

  I don't know why I just did. It was like my eyes were dams then suddenly they let go of their water.

  While I was crying I saw a faint glow on my eyelids.

  I opened my eyes and gasped because the ball of light was inches from my face.

  When I reached towards it, it didn't slip away instead it seemed to come closer to my hand.

  Slowly I inched my hand towards it and my fingertips slightly brushed against it.

  I gasped again because it felt alive. I reached both my hands towards it and gently grasped it between my hands.

  It felt warm to the touch and felt like watery silk.

  But as I touched it it grew brighter. It looked like a miniture sun in my hands.

  Then slowly it grew dimmer until it was as bright as a candle flame.

  Just beneath the glow of it, it was moving, like liquid fire.

  Then I heard a voice. Soft as a whisper on the wind.

  It told me "Embrace it. Embrace the light, and your memories will come back."

  The voice was neither young nor old, male or female.

  I followed its instructions and held the ball of light to my chest.

  When the memories hit I gasped and started to cry. But i cried tears of happiness.

  With tears streaming down my face I whispered to the darkness "Mommy, Daddy. I've found you."


The little white fox shifter: Book 1 of the Lost series (Under MAJOR Editing)Where stories live. Discover now