Safe in the arms of a friend

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Ok some people were confused about where this all took place. This story mostly takes place in Maine. I hope I helped the people who were confused. Oh and I am starting this thing where I tell you some things I like. So here's the first one, I like oak trees and anything to do with oak or oak wood.


Eina's pov


It was dark out. No moon, no stars, and no street lights. I had been running for roughly four days and I had successfully traveled from the state of Maine to the state of Massachusetts.

I don't know what town I was in all I knew was that it was a very small town. And I think it was about 3:00 Am right now. I sighed and shifted back into my human form.

I walked the streets of the small town not having any problem at seeing where I was going.

My feet were sticking to the black, cold rock that was the street and it was getting uncomfortable. It reminded me of an old memory, one where someone close to me was.......... 'No! Don't think about it!' I shuddered and continued to walk, only faster.

Then I saw someone walk out onto their porch and sit down on a chair. Hope sparked in me as I made my way over to them. When they got there I knew they couldn't see or hear me so I tried not to startle them.

I looked down at my self before I opened my mouth though so I could see if I looked like some dirty hobo. I was fairly decent with me having taken a bath in a very cold river just hours before, and my red night gown still looked nice but not as nice as it could have been.

"Hello?" I said and the person jumped from their chair and spun to look at me.

It was a lady that looked to be in her mid-forties but I couldn't be sure. "Who are you? What do you want?" She stated without fear even though she couldn't see me.

"I need help." I said. She narrowed her eyes and swiftly walked to her open front door and turned on her porch light. The light blinded me and I blinked away the spots that danced across me vision at the sudden light change.

When I could see again, which was probably like two seconds, I looked at the woman. Her eyes were hard but when I met her eyes they turned soft and she gasped.

I cocked my head in confusion. Why did she gasp? "Oh you poor thing just look at you, your so tiny. And your just a child. Who would leave a child to wander by herself, especially one so cute." She exclaimed and rushed over to me.

When her hand reached towards my face where a cut was, I flinched away when a memory of my pack members hitting me flashed a crossed my mind. The woman's hand faltered when she saw me flinch and she gasped again.

"What's wrong? Did someone hurt you?" Her eyes turned hard again and she said "I will hurt anyone who hurts you, I promise. No one should raise a hand to a child in any circumstance." She walked closer to me and pulled me into a tight, bear hug.

How crazy is that, a person hugging another person they just met. "Why don't you come inside and I can make you something to eat, hmm?" She said to me with a soft and kind voice.

My eyes started to tear up at her kindness and I couldn't talk so I nodded my head. She ushered me in side to a kitchen and set me down at a dark, oak wood table.

"What would you like to eat, dear? Some soup? A sand which? Just name it and I will make it." She said. I felt my eyes tear up again and I almost burst into tears right there. I've never been asked what I want to eat. I only ever made things my pack liked to eat.

The little white fox shifter: Book 1 of the Lost series (Under MAJOR Editing)Where stories live. Discover now