Those who sit and cry and those who escape

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IM SORRY!! IM SO SORRY!!!! I know most of you probably want to murder me on the spot for not updating sooner but I had writers block on all of my stories. I am going to try to update more often but no promises. Now to thank all you readers out there. I HAVE OVER 20K VEIWS AND ALMOST 1K VOTES. Thank you guys so much. I thought this book wasn't going to get more than 1k reads and 100 votes but I guess I was wrong. Once again thank you all so much for your support. The song above is the song used in the chapter.


Eina's pov


I woke up gasping for air on an unfamilier bed in an unfamiliar room. I looked down at myself under the covers and I was wearing a red silky nightgown that reached my knees. I sat up and looked around the room in panic.

The walls of the room were a deep crinsom with gold boarders. The sheets on the bed were the same color as the walls.
But the blanket was a colbolt blue and so were the pillows.

'Huh' I thought as I calmed down a little 'the colors clash together'. The room was very pretty and had my two of my favorite colors.

I got out of the bed and looked around the room more thouroghly than just running my gaze over it. For some reason I couldn't remember what I was dreaming about but I knew it was important.

Shaking my head quickly, I decided to forget about it and continue to looking around the room I was in. There was an oak wood dresser, a red vanity table with a chair, a fire place that had a lovely colbolt blue couch and chairs surrounding it, a carpet that was also colbolt blue and was soft and plushy under my bare feet.

There were three doors in the room. One was by the bed, another across from the bed, and the last being to the left of the door across from the bed.

I opened the one by the bed and my jaw dropped practically to the floor. I found a ginormas, walk in closet with beautiful designer clothes. I gaped at it for a second then closed my eyes and shook my head at the clothes. Whose ever room this was they had a great taste in fashion.

I closed the closet then walked to the door across from the bed. When I opened it my jaw came down once more. The door hid a beautiful bathroom that could easily fit three of my rooms at home in.

The bathroom had a black tiled floor, a big claw footed bathtub, a walk in shower that had frosted glass encasing it and when I looked inside I found that the shower was one of the ones that rained down on you from the ceiling, there was a granite counter topped sink, and last but not least, a jacuzzi.

I closed the bathroom door and walked to the last door. When I opened it I saw a very long hallway. I walked into the hallway and closed the door behind me.

The hallway branched off to the left and to the right. I decided to go right because I was right handed and started to walk down the hall.

I came to other hallways that branched off in different directions, and turns that twisted and bended then I finally came to a stop at the top of a stair case.

The stairs led down to a foyer where I found a big, dark brown, oak wood, double doors. I knew they led outside and started towards them.

Then my days before this hit me like a ton of bricks and I gasped in pain and held my head. I remembered that I was almost raped by a dirty old man, I went crazy and laughed at his face,and then my parents found me. Well........that's a lot to happen in one day.

So, if my parents found me and took me with them wouldn't this be their house? Or someone elses? I felt tears form in my eyes at the thought of seeing my parents but then another memory rushed into my brain, and I fell onto my hands and knees at this memory.


"Where are you taking me mama?" I asked in my two year old voice.

"We're taking you somewhere far away, Eina" my mama said to me. "Where?" I asked. "Far" my mama snapped.

I whimpered in fear and cowered back into my seat. 'Mama never snaps at us, why would she now?' Lily my fox and new best friend said in my head in her squeaky voice.

'I don't know, lily. I don't know.' I said back to her. I transformed into lily a day ago on my second birthday. That's when mama and daddy started to get snappy at me.

Mama stopped the car in the middle of the forest and got out. She came to my side of the car and helped me out. Then she handed me a bag and grabbed my hand and walked deeper into the forest.

She stopped after 30 minutes of walking and turned around to face me. She bent down on one knee and said "I'm sorry Eina but this is for your own good" then grabbed a cloth from her pocket and covered my nose and mouth with it and everything started to get hazy.

Then she uncovered my mouth as I fell to the ground and she stood up. Then she turned the way we came and walked away.

The last thing I remember happening before falling in to the darkness was me saying "Why" to mamas far away figure.


I felt like curling into a fetal position and just dying there after seeing that memory. I felt a broken sob escape my lips as I wrapped my arms around my knees.

My mom left me in the woods when I was two and my father knew about it and did nothing. Though he was probably in on it too, just like mom.

I stopped crying and stood up. Well if they were going to leave me, I'm going to leave them. And with that I walked to the double doors and into the outside world.







*Time skip*

I've been outside for two hours walking in a random direction when I stopped at a stream. I sat down on the bank and started to sing safe and sound by taylor swift to my self (listen to the song now).

After I was done singing I laid my head down on my knees and said "Why is my life so messed up?"


The little white fox shifter: Book 1 of the Lost series (Under MAJOR Editing)Where stories live. Discover now