The Door

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It was a beautiful day outside, birds were singing, flowers were blooming. On days like these I would be taking my daily nap at my station. Papyrus will be around any minute encouraging me to recalibrate my puzzles.

I open one drowsy eye-socket and look around. Papyrus is no where to be seen, but I decided to get up anyway. I hoist myself off the counter and lazily flip over the hot dog sign so it says, "sorry, I'm not in the mood." I decide to take a walk, I have a really good pun I'd like to use on someone.

I walk in the snow for a few minutes till my eyes gaze up. I realized I have wondered pretty deep into the forest. I look around and I notice a path I've never seen before. I decide why not waste more time when I'm supposed to be on my shift. I walk down the narrow path. At the end of it was a huge door. I took this opportunity to practice a knock knock joke.

I knock twice and say, "Knock knock,"

Suddenly, a feminine voice comes from the other side. She says, "Who is there?" I didn't think twice about continuing.

"Dishes," I say holding back my laugh.

"Dishes who?" She responds again.

"Dishes a very bad joke." I hear the woman burst into laughter. It's been awhile since someone has laughed that hard at my jokes, so I keep them coming. Joke after joke, she continues to find them hysterical.

But then I hear her knock and say, "Knock knock!"

"Who's there?" I say leaning in closely to the door.

"Old lady"

"Old lady who?"

"Oh, I did not know you could yodel!" I give her a very pleasing laugh in response. She was immensely good. We continued to tell each other jokes for hours. But then, it started to get late.

"Um hey, I gotta go, Papyrus, my cool bro, gets cranky without his bedtime story." I meekly said and stood up from leaning against the door. I heard her shuffle, "Come back anytime, I enjoy your company."

Her voice made me smile. It was really cool of her to say that.

"I enjoyed hearing you laugh at my bad jokes." I chuckled. I heard her let out a snort.

I almost didn't want to leave, but I didn't want to disappoint my brother even more than I do now.

I almost didn't want to leave, but I didn't want to disappoint my brother even more than I do now

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A/N: Don't forget to leave a vote :) it means a lot to me!

The Door Between Us [Sans & Toriel fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now