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A/N: I love that photo ^ <3

     "Wait, what?" Suddenly, vines erupt from the ground and wraps around everyone.

"Toriel!!" I reach out my hand to her, but she was too far away.

"Sans!!" She struggles to get free.

No, no, no, no, no!! Why now?!

A golden flower pops up from the ground.

"You IDIOTS!!" The flower said.

Welp, I guess Papyrus wasn't crazy after all. The talking flower was real.

"It's the human's fault all of you are stuck here! Hee hee hee!!" The flower laughed at us.

I knew I shouldn't of promised Toriel to protect that human. I should of left him to be captured by my brother.

That's why I hate making promises. You never know what you're getting into.

"Now, all your souls are MINE!!" The flower laughed horribly, kind of scared me a little. I couldn't imagine how Toriel feels.

"Do not be afraid my child! No matter what happens..." Toriel started to struggle. She smiled at me and then at the human.

"We will always be there to protect you." A tear fell from her beautiful eyes. I myself wanted to cry, but I knew I had to be strong.

"Huh? You haven't beaten this guy yet?" I look over at Toriel who gives me a pleasing smile.

"Come on, this weirdo's got nothing on you." We all start cheering on the human.

I can tell the human started to fill with determination.

Suddenly, the flower turned into a tall, colorful monster.

It was Asriel.

Toriel's and Asgore's son.

I was shocked, I thought he passed away awhile ago.

Despite me being in shock, we continued to root the human on. Get it?

The human was doing exceedingly good, but I didn't think it was good enough.

Asriel gave his all and the human was hurt, badly.

He started to limp, slow down and loose power.

"We must help the human!" Toriel yells. We all start to throw healing items at the human.

They were working! The human was actually going to beat Asriel.

Then, suddenly, my whole world went black. I woke up in a pile of golden flowers. I couldn't remember a thing. I looked around and saw everyone, alive and safe.

I run over to Toriel and help her up.

"W-what happened?"she says, dazed.

I scratch my head, "I don't know." We all look around, the human appears from the side.

We run over to 'em and start to bury him in questions.

The human told us that Asriel was now resting in peace and the barrier was broken.

Wow. We could finally go to the surface.

Toriel glares at Asgore and turns away.

Geez, Toriel was harsh.

"So, Toriel...knock knock." She smirks at me.

"Who's there?" She bends down to my level.

"Um, I love you."

"I love you, too." She picks me up and out of nowhere, she kisses me.

Even though she was holding me, I felt like I was floating.

Her lips were soft and smooth

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Her lips were soft and smooth. I didn't want to let go, but I didn't want to traumatize the human.

We let go and she puts me down, not letting go of my hand.

"Thank you, Sans, for keeping your promise."

"Hey, I'd never break a promise for someone I love." I wink at her and she giggles.

We hold hands and walk through the broken barrier.

Light blinds us and we shield our eyes. We all look up and see a village, a forest, and the sunset.

"It''s beautiful." Toriel says and tightens her grip on my hand.

"Just like you." I say and look up at her, giving her a small smile. She blushes and smiles. She kisses my head and admires the surface.

I guess you could say we lived happily ever after, even though I don't believe in them, it sure felt like it was.

I guess you could say we lived happily ever after, even though I don't believe in them, it sure felt like it was

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The End.

A/N: Hello! I hope you enjoyed my fanfic!! I enjoyed typing it and looking up pictures for you guys. (I wanted y'all to have the whole experience lol) Anyway, don't forget to vote or share a comment! Bye! ~Faith

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