The Feeling

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I feel like it was meant to be that I found that door. I started to develop a strange suspicion that I was becoming fond of her.

I knew it was silly, but I wanted to know if she felt the same. I never had this feeling before. Especially toward another monster. She's constantly in my head and I'm always thinking of better jokes to tell her. I love her laugh, I want to hear her laugh all day.

I had a plan on how to find out if she felt the same.

I almost ran through the woods, eager to talk to her. Once I got there I knocked immediately.

Just as I hoped, she instantly answered, "Who is there?"

"You like,"

"You like who?"

"I like you." I chuckle nervously, waiting for her response. I hear her laugh softly, but no words escape her mouth. I start to regret my decision.

That's it she doesn't feel the same way. I slouch down and bow my head, closing my eyes.

I thought this would be funny.

Suddenly I hear her laugh.

"You got me, well guess what?" I hold my breath.

What is she going to say? What is she going to say?!

"I like you, too." Her words hit me like a nice breeze. I feel free, free from deep down inside me where I was waiting to come out. I chuckle, "Cool,"

So this is what it's like to fall in love with a stranger.

She didn't feel like a stranger to me. I feel like I've known her my whole life. Heck, I can't remember what my life was like without her. She's made me forget all of my worries.

It's amazing how a person who appreciates bad jokes, can change you.

It's amazing how a person who appreciates bad jokes, can change you

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