The Human

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The next few days were a little wild. A human arrived at my station. Instead of letting him get captured by my brother, I decided to keep my promise and help 'em out. I continued to watch over 'em and guide 'em.

"You should of seen the look on the human's face when I put the hotdog on it's head and said, 'it's on the house

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"You should of seen the look on the human's face when I put the hotdog on it's head and said, 'it's on the house. Well no, actually it's on you.'" She was eating up everything I told her about the human and me.

"Thank you for keeping your promise." She said gently and satisfied. I shrugged, "No problem."

"No, really, thank you for watching over them. It means a lot to me." I can tell she meant it. It made me feel important. I liked it.

We continued to talk about the human and of course, cracked some jokes.

The next day, I decided to write a secret letter to her. Even though I never put effort into anything, I decided to try.

I re-read it to make sure it was perfect.

"Dear lady,
     We've been talking for almost three weeks now. I was wondering if you could unlock the door, so we could meet in person. Right now I guess you could say I'm your 'secret admirer'. Heh heh, talk to ya sometime?
                        ~your secret admirer"

I felt silly, but I didn't want to throw away all my effort. I was about to walk out the door when a hand stopped me.

"Sans? Where are you going?" Papyrus stood there, towering over me. I smiled uneasily. I couldn't tell him the truth yet.

"Um, I've decided to go recalibrate my puzzles." Papyrus narrows his eye-sockets at me. He then smiles greatly.

"WOWIE!! My brother has finally decided to do something worthwhile!" He smiled and strolled off. I release my breath.

Close one.

I trot through the woods and toward the locked door. I slid the note under the door and waited. I hear her pick it up.

After about a minute, she shuffles.

"I can't." My shoulders slump down. My heart starts to beat faster and I feel empty inside.

"I'm sorry, but I can't, I can't show my face." My eye-socket begins to twitch. I cover my left eye and try to calm down.

"But why?" I say upsettingly.

"I just can't." I hear her footsteps disappear.

Did she just leave me? Without an explanation?!

I slouch down against the door. I put my head in my hands.

I screwed up. I screwed up big time.
Now she'll never want to talk to me again.

My left eye kept flickering.

No, no, no, no! Keep it secret, stay in control.

I turn my anger into sadness. I sat there, sulking for almost no reason.

I barely know her, she barely knows me, of course she would say no!

No, stay strong Sans. Don't forget about your brother. You must look after him.

And don't forget about your promise.

A/N: Don't forget to vote if you like it so far!!

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