Chapter 14: Dresses

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[Payson's POV]

I open the door to my room, and see all my boxes on the floor and my mattress up against the wall. I look around the room and see light blue walls, fluffy white carpet, and a new desk and dresser. There's a dog bed in the corner of the room. There are already pictures everywhere, but I have a load more. We will also probably take more with everyone too. Every room has a bathroom, and a walk-in closet. I open my closet and see four dresses hung up, and a pair of shoes underneath each of them. They all have a card with them. Each card has my name on it. I go look at the first dress. It's pink and strapless. It is a v-cut with tiny pink crystals in the chest. The shoes are simple pink flats with pink crystals on them. I open and read the card.

Happy 18th birthday. I hope you had a good one! :) -Liam Payne

The second dress is a red knee-length spaghetti strap covered in beautiful black lace. The shoes are gorgeous solid black heels. I open the card.

Vas Happenin on your 18th birthday? Have a good one. -Zayn Malik

The next dress....I'm not sure if I could call it a was really odd. The left side was a pair of one legged tights connected to the dress. The middle was knee-length, then the right side was so high if I wore it you could almost see my panties. The skirt part was red. From the belly button up the dress was dark blue and on the chest there was a big S for Superman. The shoes didn't match at all. They were green with carrots on them. I laughed. I knew who it was from without even opening the card. The card was cute.

18 and getting older? Stay beautiful babe ;) -Louie the Tommo Tomlinson.

He wrote it before he even knew me, but it sounded exactly like something Louie would say. I turn and look at him.

"Louis what in gods name is this?"

"I had it specially made for you" he says.

"I kinda figured" I laughed.

He gives me a quizzing look.

"Do you like it?" He asks.

I reply, "no.....I love it!"

I move to the last dress on the rack.

"Holy Shit" I gasp.

The dress is BEAUTIFUL! It's dark blue at the top, and as you move down the dress it gets lighter blue. The bottom of the dress is light purple. It's strapless and goes down a little past mid-thigh. The shoes are beautiful dark purple heels. I love it. I open the card thinking it was from Harry because it's 2 of my favorite colors. I open the card. The message is adorable.

So..... I'm not very good around girls, and I'm not sure what they like, so I hope you like my dress. Happy Birthday -Niall <3

I can't stop grinning. I run over and hug him.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love it so much!!"

He smiles, and for the first time he hugs me back.

"Your welcome, love."

I also give Zayn, Louis, and Liam a hug.

Thank you all so much."

Harry smiles, "so" he says, "lets put your bed up, we have dinner reservations at 9:30."

We open the box with the bed in it, and slowly put it together. The boys pick up the king size mattress and put it on the box frame. Harry grabs a box he thinks has my pillows, blankets, and sheets in it, and when he opens it he laughs.

"Oooops wrong box."

He takes one of my bras out of the box and throws it at Zayn, who tossed it to Liam. When I try to get it from Liam he throws it at Niall. Niall catches it and puts it around himself. The boys laugh. Then Louis takes it away from Niall and wraps it around his head. I snatch it off Louis' head, and hide on behind my back, with my face on fire

"Oh come on" Zayn laughs, "we've ALL seen you in a bra before."

I throw it in the box and close it. I open the correct box and we put the sheets, blankets, and pillows on my bed. I look at the clock, as the boys flop down on my bed.

"It's 6:30 I have to get ready!"

"We still have 3 hours." Liam say, and I frown at him.

"I'm a girl, and it takes me a while to get ready, I have to take a shower. Harry I need to talk to you. Um can the rest of you boys put my lace canopy around the bed? Harry grab that blue tote please."

Harry and I went into the bathroom. I turn on the shower a Harry shuts the door.

Okay, so what do you wanna talk about?"

"You know I just like to talk while I'm in the shower. Turn around."

Harry rolls his eyes.

"Do I have to? I've seen you naked before."

I cross my arms.

"Yeah like four years ago...I didn't have boobs then."

Harry starts laughing.


I roll my eyes and start undressing. Harry's eyes get really wide, and I step into the shower quickly. Harry clears his throat.

"I-I'm going to get a drink. I-I-I'll be right back." 

 I hear the door open and close. I look out the door and see my blue tote of bathroom stuff by the door. 'Dammit Haz.'  I think. I look around for a towel, and there isn't one. Shit. I get out of the warm shower, and into the cold air. I start shivering. I'm getting the stuff I need out of the tote when I hear the door open. I look up and see Harry standing there with 2 beers in his hands. He freezes and his face turns red. He shuts, and locks the door. Then he hands me a beer. I take my stuff back and get into the shower. I love my bathroom. It has a big shower and a Jacuzzi tub. Me and Harry talk for a bit as I shower.

"Haz?" I say.

"Yeah?" He replies.

"How did you know I'd say yes?"

He asks, "say yes to what, love?"

I smile to myself. "To me living here silly"

I hear Harry laughing, "I had a hunch." He says.

I turn off the shower, and he hands me a towel. I walk back into my room, and find Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn still lounging on my bed. I hide behind Harry.

"I'm naked. Everybody get out."

The boys leave, and I put on a strapless bra and a pair of black lace panties. I put on the dress from Niall and the shoes. They fit perfectly. I did my hair, and makeup and walked down to the living room where everyone was talking, and waiting. When I walked in everyone fell silent, and their jaws hit the floor. I heard 'wows' all around the room, even by Paul who was joining us for dinner.

"You look beautiful." Louis says, and everyone else nods still stunned. Niall opens the door, and I see a limo. In my head I scream, 'my first limo ride!'  I better get used to it.

[Niall's POV]

Pay saw all of our dresses we bought, and loved them. She freaked after she read my card. She said she loved it. She gave me a hug, and I gained my confidence. I hugged her back. We put her bed together, and she got into the shower, to get ready. Harry went into the bathroom with her. A few minutes later he came out, and all the blood had rushed to his face. He also had a boner. I got jealous knowing he had just seen her naked. He walked out before anyone could say anything. When he came back he had 2 beers. When he walked into the bathroom I heard a squeal, and a 'woah' then the door was shut and locked. We were hanging in Pay's bed, and a little whole later she comes out in a towel, and hides behind Harry. She makes us all get out. We were all talking with Paul in the living room when she walked down the stairs in my dress. All of us were automatically silent, even Paul. She was breathtaking. We go outside to the waiting limo ready for dinner. I am starving!!

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