Chapter 3 Maybe

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[Payson's POV]

    I can't believe Harry is here! I haven't seen him in two years!! We walk inside to talk. That's when my mum walks in and smiles. 

 "Hello Harry. So glad you could make it," she says. 

 I look at her stunned. "Mum! You knew about this?" 

 "Of course I did," she replies, "I asked them to come." 

 I say 'thank you' to her with my eyes, and she nods knowingly. 

Harry begins to speak, "so," he says. 

 Normally when he holds out his so like that it's for something incredible, or something awful.

 "We were wondering if you'd like to come live with us, and go on tour?" 

 My knees buckle, and Niall catches me before I fall with a smile on his face. I look up at him like a puppy. Then i look between Harry and my mum and say, "B-but what about the rest of my last year of high school?" 

 My mum speaks, "Well there are only a couple months left, you can finish online. We have already talked this through, Harry and I that is."

 I squeal and say, "Is this a joke? If it is it's cruel, especially on my birthday."

 Harry laughs and drags me to the floor in a hug.

 "No joke," he says. "God I've missed you."

I look him in the eyes, and say, "Not as much as I've missed you." Then I laugh and ask, "When do I move in?"

[Harry's POV]

After I pull her to the ground, she agrees to live with us. In my head I can't believe it. 

 She asks when she moves in, and I laugh, "Okay Pay, we are here to help you pack your giant ass room up. We were planning on leaving tomorrow." 

 "Tomorrow? Seriously?!" Payson screams, "Lets go pack!" 

 She looks so happy. I'm glad she's excited. I know me and the boys are. She starts jumping up and down, and goes, kisses him on the cheek, and thanks him. Niall blushes crimson, and says something about getting packing boxes out of the car, as an excuse to leave. 

 Payson kisses me as a thank you, and I scream, "GIRL COOTIES!!" Then i run off to her room followed by her, Louis, Zayn, and Liam. 

 When I open the door I'm stunned. Tears come to my eyes and I manage to squeak out, "Wow..."

 Nothing about her room has changed since I left 2 years ago. All of our dorky pictures spread on her huge desk, with our drawings. Pink walls that she hated more than anything. I can't believe she hadn't painted them yet. Right above her bed were 2 sets of hand prints, in dark blue paint. The one on the left way bigger than the tiny ones on the right. Underneath them in lighter blue paint it says, 'Pay and Hazza best friends forever' in her beautiful cursive handwriting. By her window, which was connected to a huge seat covered in pillows was a hole in the wall. The same hole she punched, and broke her hand with on a beautiful summer day after a boy called Ryan broke up with her through a text. The only difference in the room was all the posters stuck to the walls. Most were One Direction. I didn't realize I was lost in a day dream until i looked down and she was holding my hand smiling. 

 She whispered, "I know exactly what your thinking." 

 The boys looked lost out of their minds, so I explained what I was thinking. I walked over and sat on her bed. Laid back and laughed remembering the day she wouldn't leave the store until her mum bought her the bed set and matching pillows. That had Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on them. She used to claim she was going to marry Michaelangelo. We all sat there laughing for around 10 minutes when Niall finally reappeared.

[Niall's POV]

Payson agreed to live with us. I was so happy. She kissed us all on the cheek as a thank you. When she whispered 'thank you' to me, i blushed really bad, stuttered something stupid about boxes and ran out side. After a 10 minute cool-down I ran back inside with packing boxes. They were already on her room. When I walked in the were laughing and talking and Payson looked gorgeous. 

 Upset that I missed the conversation, I said, "The moving truck comes early tomorrow." Then we start to joke, mess around, and work. Mostly we joked and messed around, but everything got done....eventually. :) haha

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