Chapter 17: Make ups

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[Payson's POV]

I pull on my robe and walk downstairs, my head pounding. I stop in the living room, yawn and pull my hair up in a messy bun. I walk in the kitchen and see all five guys eating breakfast. When I walk in they grin. Harry stands up, lifts me up onto the counter gives me a cup of coffee and a plate of food. He kisses my cheek.

"Good morning, gorgeous"

I take a bite of toast.

"Oh god. What did I do?"

Zayn giggles, and Niall turns red.

"Nothing." Harry lies.

I roll my eyes, "Then why the fuck did I wake up naked in the bathtub with a ham, which by the way I would not recommend eating, Niall."

I look around the room.

"Okay....who saw me naked last night?"

Louis, Harry, and Liam's hands shot up in the air. Zayn and Niall reluctantly raised theirs. Now I'm scared.

"You all probably think I'm a whore." I say. I get up to leave, and I'm stopped by all the boys.

"We understand you were upset, love," Louis says, "but you can always talk to us and we'll understand. Being surrounded by famous people is NOT easy. You will get a lot hate, but don't ever let it hurt you."

Niall smiles, "Yeah sticks and stones."

"Thanks guys, but I really wish Josh knew that.....I love him."

Louis picks up his phone, "Let me give him a call."

Josh: Hello.

Louis: Hey! You wanna know something? You've got a lot of nerve breaking this poor girls heart!

Josh: What? Who is this?

Louis: This is Louis Tomlinson.

Josh: Oh...that One Direction kid?

Louis: Yeah. I just want to say that bullshit in the magazine is just that. Bullshit.

Josh: I love Pay, I just gotta know that she loves me.

Louis: You have no idea how much she loves you.

Josh: Can you tell her I'm sorry.

Louis: No. I think you should tell her.

Josh: Alright kid, thanks.

Louis: Yeah, man. Anytime.

"Thanks Lou." I say.

A minute later my phone rings.

"I think I'll take this in my room. See you soon boys."

Me: Hey sweetheart.

Josh: Baby I'm so sorry! I never should have believed the lies. I know you're just friends with blondie.

Me: His name is Niall, love, and yes we are just friends.

Josh: I know, and I'm sorry. So, I was thinking. You know how our 3 month is coming up on January 26th?

Me: Yeah.

Josh: Well I was thinking I could fly down on the 20th, and we could spend some time together.

Me: Definitely!!

Josh: Babe I'm going to be late for work. I love you so much. I'll call you around 9?

Me: Okay. I love you so much too Boo!

I run downstairs.

"Guys guess what!!!!!!"

Harry lets out a girlish yelp, then clears his throat. I don't even give them a chance to answer, because I'm jumping up and down.

"Josh is coming here January 20th!"

Harry smiles. "That's great baby."

Niall looks heart broken.

"Well I'm going back upstairs to finish wrapping gifts. Remember guys, tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and our very own Boobear's birthday." I say.

I run upstairs still excited tripping every other step, and finish all my gift wrapping. When I'm finished it's 8:30. I've barely eaten all day, but I'm still excited for Josh to call at 9. By 10:17 I get hungry. He still hasn't called yet, but I'm not worried. He worked all day, and probably fell asleep. I go to the kitchen and begin cooking Mac and Cheese, which Niall sniffs out, and joins me.

"Yummmm!" He says. "Can I have some?"

"Sure." I laugh.

While we eat our cheesy goodness, we watch The Perks of Being a Wallflower. We talk along throughout the entire movie. Every line memorized. After the movie we fell asleep together on the couch. It was the best I'd slept in a week........or maybe even 3 years.

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