Chapter 8: Uh Oh

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[Harry's POV]

My head spins as the doctor tells my my Best Friend, no, sister has been poisoned.

"Sit down, Mr. Styles." He says.

I reply, "No, n-n-no."

Then I walk out of the room. I walk right past the boys, where Louis has now joined, and right out the double doors outside. I puke into the trashcan a little while later after thinking. When I look up, Louis is behind me pale as a ghost.

"What happened?" He asked.

I don't say anything.

"What happened?" He raises his voice.

I start crying and Louis looks down, because he can't look me in the eyes.

"She was poisoned, Louis."

Louis' voice was so low I could barely hear him.

"What? Wait! She was poisoned?!"

He steps back, and slides down against the wall until he is sitting, to think. Everything was calm and Louis literally jumps up.

"The girl at Nandos!" He yells.

I look confused.

"Before we left Pay ordered a drink from a girl....Lisa I think."

"Yeah, so?" I ask.

"As we were walking out I heard her say 'Eww she's such a skank, I hope I didn't catch anything.' Then she snickered at the other girl and said, 'Don't worry. She'll get what she deserves.' I brushed it off, because I thought they were just jealous."

I run into the hospital, and straight to Payson's room. Luckily the doctor was still standing in there.

"I know who did it!" I say.

I tell the doctor what Louis told me, and Louis tells the boys. The doctor tells me Payson had to have her stomach pumped and now she was getting fluids, but she will be okay and most likely be out for hours. I need to rest, and file a police report tomorrow. I go out to the car with Louis, and Liam to go to sleep. I couldn't wait until tomorrow, so that bitch can get what she deserves. Nobody messes with Harry Styles sister like this, and gets away with it.

[Niall's POV]

Harry, Louis, and Liam go out to the car to sleep. After they leave Zayn in I talk for a bit. After 15 minutes Zayn is out cold in his chair. I decide to go see Payson. I walk in her room, and she is still unconscious. Then I begin to talk to her.

"Payson," I say. "If you were awake, there is no way I'd be able to tell you this, but I think I have fallen in love with you."

I smile knowing I had gotten that off my chest. I sit in the chair next to her bed, and stare at her beautiful face. A few tears fall wondering why anyone would want to hurt someone so beautiful, so fragile. Without thinking, i lean forward......and kiss her. My face is inches away from hers when her eyes flutter open. She jumps. Shit! I scared her, I think. She groans, and says, "Niall what the hell are you doing? What happened? Where am I?"

I clear my throat, and talk really fast, "um well you're in the hospital, because you were poisoned at Nandos today. I um thought I saw something on your face."

"Oh," she says. "Can I have some water please?"

I get her water.

"Thanks." She says.

She takes a sip of her water and laughs. "Niall are you okay? Your sweating, and you look like a tomato."

I turn even more red.

"I've got to leave." I say.

I walk out as the doctor walks in.

[Payson's POV]

I hear talking outside my door, and a familiar Irish accent says,

"I can go in right?"

I didn't hear a reply, but soon I heard the door knob turn so I pretend to be asleep. I don't feel like talking right now cuz I feel like shit. The door shuts, and Niall paces for a few minutes, then he starts talking. I hear everything he's saying even of he doesn't realize it. He says he has fallen in love with me. Niall! I scream in my head. Shut up now before you say something you regret. He stops talking and kisses me. KISSES ME!! I think about Josh, but still scream in my head, Oh my god Niall Horan just kissed me!! I open my eyes, and he is leaning away from my face. I start to ask questions so he thinks I don't know what happened. I ask for some water, and Niall leaves while the doctor walks in. The doctor gives me some medications, and says that Louis saved my life. He says I should be good to go tomorrow as long as I'm put on medication, and drink lots of fluids. I fall asleep after he leaves.

[Zayn's POV]

I wake up, and Niall is gone. I smile knowing exactly where he has gone to. I know he's had a thing for her since we met her. Niall comes back a little while later. He is totally zoned out, and pale faced. I shake my head.

"You kissed her didn't you?"

He nods.

"She doesn't know does she?"

He shakes his head

I laugh lay my head back and fall asleep.

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