Fanfic 9: Umberella by your Side (Rosewick) - Edited

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This fanfiction contains no relationships or pairings from the main story line. It is ALSO a coffee shop AU, so it is set in our modern world rather than the RWBY universe.


A grumble of displeasure met Roman's lips as rain dripped from the brim of his hat. He should've worn a waterproof coat; the grey, woollen ensemble he'd chosen to wear that morning wasn't taking too kindly to the current weather.

He impatiently tapped the toes of his dress shoes on the wet concrete, green eyes scanning the busy street for the car that should've picked him up fifteen minutes ago.

He had been so caught up in his brooding, however, that he hadn't spotted the appearance of the young girl carrying a clear umbrella who had joined him by his side.

"Uh... Excuse me?" She chirped.

Roman averted his gaze from the passing traffic to glance downward, meeting a pair of wide silver eyes that peered out from under a long brown fringe.

"May I help you?" He retorted, his lips curling up into somewhat of a scowl.

"You've been standing here for a while, are you lost?" 

The blunt question had taken him suddenly off guard, leaving him staring with a rather baffled look plastered on his face.

"No, I am not." He replied, eyeing the young girl strangely.

She couldn't of been outside long, as her clothes were completely dry and she wasn't shivering under the long red cape that was currently flapping behind her quite dramatically. Roman came to the quick conclusion that she must've been in the hip, little coffee shop across the road. Useless information, but all the while interesting.

"Anything else?" He pressed.

"Are you... Are you actually doing anything?" She cocked her head slightly as she questioned.

"I am."


"Is that all?"

"Uh... Yes. Yes, thank you." She laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of her head with a free hand.

The young girl backed off somewhat hesitantly, before dashing off back across the road and pacing through the doors of the coffee shop.

Well. That certainly wasn't how Roman had expected his afternoon to start.


"We took a small detour."

"What do you mean, you 'took a small detour'?" Roman hissed into his phone, restraining himself from yelling out of pure frustration.

"Hey, hey, sorry. Emerald thought it was the faster route." Mercury snickered, sounding the furthest from apologetic that a human being could possibly get.

"Right," Roman let out a tense breath, "how long will you be?"

It was much more of a command than a question. It was a subtle way of implying: "if you don't hurry up, I'll rip both of your heads off. Slowly and painfully."

"Mm... Can't say." Mercury replied, backed up with a quiet echo of 'maybe never' from Emerald.

"Just hurry up." Roman growled, mashing his thumb on his phone to end the call before promptly shoving it in his pocket.

He was soaked to the bone, had no ride home and suddenly developed a desperate craving for cigarettes he didn't own. Catching a bus wasn't an option, as it was a Sunday and the next one was in a whole hour's time. He couldn't occupy his time wondering through the shops, because the only change he had on hand was a £5 note and most were closed anyway.
Suddenly the hip, little coffee shop across the road seemed very appealing.

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