Fanfic 10: Tomorrow (Weiss/Reader) - Edited

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This fanfiction contains no relationships or pairings from the main story line. It is ALSO a college/university AU, so it is set in our modern world rather than the RWBY universe.  



"Hey, watch it!"

I glanced up quickly from my phone, pulling out an earphone so I could glance over at the girl.

"You bumped into me too, it's not my fault." I snapped back.

Her silvery-blue eyes narrowed in my direction as her face scrunched up into an expression of pure disgust.

"You were too busy gawking at your phone." She made sure to jab in the direction of my phone with each emphasis. "And now I have coffee down my coat."

"You can say that again." I scoffed, eyeing over the white mac she wore with a matching hat, gloves, and scarf, now splattered with a dirty brown stain of coffee.

Honestly, I wasn't surprised I'd bumped into her; she practically blended into the snow around campus. She wore white tights too, and by the looks of her fringe, even her hair was white. The only splash of colour on her was the floral blue skirt that barely poked out from underneath the hem of her coat and her face, flushed pink in the cold.

"Wh- what are you staring at?!"

I quickly snapped back into focus at the heated accusation. How long had I been staring? The white coat girl's face was an even darker shade of pink as she eyed me up cautiously, keeping her distance whilst cradling a now empty coffee cup in her hands.

"Maybe you shouldn't just wear all white." I blurted. "Then things won't stain as easily."

"Excuse you, who do you think you are?" She growled back. "I'll wear whatever I like!"

I shrugged to try and hide my embarrassment and put my earphone back in, planning to walk away from the situation quickly.

Luckily the girl caught my hint, and with a huff she stormed off in the opposite direction to myself.


The thing that had surprised me most when I'd stepped into the library was not the strangely large amount of people inside, but actually one particular item of clothing, slung across the back of a chair. One particular, white, coffee stained coat.

I then was stuck with the internal dilemma of whether to avoid meeting the girl again and head back out into the courtyard (and possibly freeze to death), or just maturely find an unclaimed seat that was out of the way. She probably wouldn't have recognised me anyway.

After a bit of uncertain hovering by the doorway, my slowly processing brain finally figured that the latter option was probably a good plan, so I ended up somehow manoeuvring around the large group of people and over to a bunch of secluded bookshelves near the back of the room.

Passing by, I figured that the crowd must've been one big group of friends, as they were all trying to play a game of cards around a four seater table.

There quite clearly wasn't enough room. One of the older looking girls with wild blonde curls had placed herself on the lap of a boy with funky blue hair who was desperately trying not to look down her shirt. He was failing so miserably that the blond boy next to him couldn't keep the smug grin off of his face, and was just sent into more sniggering fits whenever his flustered friend sent him a fierce glare.

Others were sharing seats too; a smiley ginger girl was perched on half of a seat with a young girl who hid behind the red hood of her red jumper, pulling a pretty intense poker-face and staring everyone down with her silvery eyes. It was quite a fun scene to examine, however I quickly found a seat away from the commotion and claimed it before anyone else could do so.

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