Fanfic 5: Downtown Vale (Sun/Adam) - Edited

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(Sun x Adam)


"Well THANKS!" I cried sarcastically, whilst watching the door slam shut and leave me alone in the dark and damp coolness of the alley.

After a few moments of huffing out my breath in anger, my fists uncurled from their tightly wound mitts, my foot stabbing at a stray pebble on the pavement as I turned to walk away.

Who would've thought that my boss - no, my ex boss - was such an offensive asshole?

"If faunus can COME TO THE BAR," I yelled at no-one in particular, flinging my arms out dramatically, "then SURELY they can WORK AT THE BAR."

My tail flicked against my leg in irritation, stinging slightly from where it had been so roughly pulled. I spun in an overly exaggerated way, going to yell again at the door under it's shakily flickering light.


My words died quickly in my mouth upon watching the figure step from the shadows in front of me.

He raised an eyebrow as I gawped unbashedly.

"Holy shit," I stepped toward him with an outstretched finger.

"And to you." Adam returned. "You look surprised."

"Well, yeah, I mean..." I ran a hand through my hair in disbelief. "I thought I'd seen the last of you."

A mere grunt is sent back in reply.

"You haven't turned up at the bar for ages," I continued, aimlessly trying to fill the silence. "I guess you don't really hang around these parts."

"You wouldn't know," he drawled, voice low as if he didn't wish to waste too much energy on speaking.

"What does that mean?" I raised an eyebrow in return.

"I don't 'hang around these parts'."

"Downtown Vale? Are you serious?" I scoffed, "I've never seen you down here in my life."

"Maybe I don't want to be seen."

I furrowed my eyebrows in frustration, going to divert the conversation back to where I'd originally planned.

"So, I haven't seen you in a while." Sneaking in the comment, I peered at Adam through his mask, trying to read the fixed expression on his face.

"You got fired 'cause you're a faunus?" Adam quipped casually, moving to lean against the wall.

Out of reflex, I step back. My tail twitches at his words and curls up against my back as if to hide from his line of sight.

"Don't avoid my question." I snapped quickly.

"You didn't ask me a question."

"Well," an annoyed breath slipped past my lips, "don't avoid my implication, then."

He merely shrugged in response, turning his head to look further down the alley. I rolled my eyes, joining him at his perch in a sort of 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em' movement, the brick cool against my back. The irritable flicking of my tail goes unnoticed as I huffed out my anger in a breath.

It was like talking to a rock. I was getting nothing through to Adam, nevermind getting anything out of him. What had seemed like initial interest, and a possible hook-up if not anything deeper, had slowly cooled into a harsh refusal of any physical or vocal contact.

"Adam?" I spoke up after a pause.

"What?" He uttered.

I tapped the heel of my trainers on the wall in thought.

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