Fanfic 11: Take My Hand (Bumblebee & [subtle] Seamonkey) - Edited

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This fanfiction shares only ONE pairing from the main story line (just not as developed). It is ALSO a ballroom AU, so it is set in an alternate timeline to the RWBY universe.

(Bumblebee & [subtle] Seamonkey)


Aside from the repetitive 'would you like another glass of champagne sir?'s and the forced 'can I interest you in another hors d'oeuvre ma'am?'s, Yang's evening has been one of the most uneventful she's experienced yet.

None of the younger caterers have upturned their trays, and the pianist has hit every key with perfectly precise accuracy and timing.

Completely dire entertainment.

Still, somehow Yang manages to proceed through the crowds of mingling snobs and prissy princesses with her usual, content 'I am here to serve' smile fixed upon her lips.

Actually, she is beginning to become so driven by boredom that the thought of actually tripping up one of the staff members seems like a fantastic plan to entertain herself. The idea is quickly ruled out by a moment of sanity, however, as she is almost certain that Ms Goodwitch would fire her on the spot for ruining the tranquillity about the hall. She's on her boss's bad side as it is.

Yang nods politely at the man who takes the last glass from her tray (even though he isn't even looking in her direction, the rude son of a --) and continues to tuck it under her arm, submissively lowering her head to pace around the side of the room unnoticed. Glancing up only to see where she's going, she regroups at the long table at the back of the hall to fetch another set of nibbles or whatever disgusting things these people will eat.

"Oh Yang!" Comes a small voice from behind her.

She turns, recognising it after a moment's thought.

"Oh, hey Velvet," Yang nods with an exhausted smile.

Velvet laughs lightly in return, going to tuck a lose strand of hair back into her tightly coiled bun.

"Long night, isn't it?" She remarks, picking up her own tray from the fully stocked table.

"Yeah, you could say that," the blonde shrugs, massaging a crick in her neck with the palm of her hand. "How are you holding up?"

"This is my last tray, actually." Velvet gestures with the platter in her hands. "I'm going home early to babysit my brothers."

"Ah, that's lucky." Is sent back as a half-hearted reply.

"You could say that," Velvet smiles, coaxing a slight warmth from Yang. She gently reaches up to smooth the collar of her blouse, dusting away nonexistent pieces of lint before making the lingering comment of, "I guess I'll let you get back to work, then."

"Got it," Yang smartens herself up quickly, bumping Velvet lightly on the shoulder to send the girl off, "I better see you tomorrow, though."

"You will!"

A short wave is sent her way, before Velvet's head vanishes into the crowds amongst the floor. Yang quickly sends a glance toward the intricate grandfather clock at the end of the hall, but that alone simply rekindles her chagrin. The conversation, though pleasant, has only taken three minutes.


Maybe she could get away with mixing some vodka into the glasses of champagne. Or, though less creative, maybe Yang could just pour the champagne directly on the guest's heads.

"Drink, Miss?" She repeats to the nearest person in her proximity.

It was automatic now, to find a being, offer goods to the being, wait for being to snatch at tray or ignore completely, and then walk away.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2017 ⏰

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