Fanfic 7: Cinema (Bumblebee, White Rose, Arkos, Sloth) - Edited

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(Bumblebee, White Rose, Arkos, Sloth)


"Jaune's coming, right?" Ruby asked, squinting past the glare of afternoon sunlight get a clear look down the road.

"He should be." I nodded in response, shielding my eyes as I joined her, Ren in tow.

"Last time I saw him he was in the dorm," he added, "he usually doesn't take too long to get ready."

"What could he --"

"No! I am not going to watch your psycho... demon movie!"

We all turned our heads in unison, to find Weiss sharing an overly heated debate with an equally frustrated Yang, both of them too flustered to notice Blake standing on the sidelines and getting progressively more irritated at every comeback.

"It doesn't even have demons! I don't want to watch your soppy old documentary either!"

"It is not a soppy old documentary! I hope you realise that --"

"-- I hope you realise that I don't --"

"If you two keep arguing we won't get anything done!" Blake snapped loudly, brows furrowed in a deep scowl.

A brief pause graced the group, but Yang being Yang (and therefore blessed with the grandly helpful inability to read most situations) quickly opened her mouth to retort. A quick glare and a raised hand, however, made her wisely rethink her decision and her jaw firmly closed.

I let out a huff of breath, resting my hand on the back of my neck as I re-checked the still empty road behind us. Jaune still hadn't turned up yet.

Ruby had invited all of us, along with her team, to a nearby cinema. Nora, with a heavy heart, declined the offer due to her part-time job, but the main problem was that we were having trouble choosing a film to watch.

Well, 'we' wasn't entirely true; Ren and I weren't really bothered which film we saw, and I think Blake was just desperate for someone to choose something so that this arguing would just stop.

"Couldn't we just watch something simple? There's a cartoon on that we could see." Ruby spoke up meekly, but to no avail when Yang groaned in reply.

"C'mon sis!" Yang whined. "I've had to watch your cartoons since we were little! Let's spice it up a bit!"

"Maybe she doesn't want to see someone get brutally murdered?" Weiss sneered, taking a step toward Ruby as a somewhat protective gesture.

"Don't make it sound worse than it is!" She grinned mischievously. "Hey Blake, back me up. You wanna see it too, right?"

"Honestly, I think we should just-"

"There we go! I'm tallest, so I'm right." Yang conclued.

"I don't think there's much logic behind that." Ren spoke up, recieving a sheepish shrug in return.

"Alright," I shook my head lightly with a sigh, "we need to choose, otherwise we're going to miss the start of all the films."

"But we're not getting anywhere with this." Ren replied, gesturing toward the blonde and her companions.

"We should flip a coin," Blake suggested, fishing through her pockets to pull out a small silver coin. "Heads and we'll go for Yang's choice, Tails and Weiss and Ruby decide."

"Yes, that sounds fair." I nodded, encouraging the others to do the same.

"Okay," Blake sighed in resolution.

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