Fanfic 3: The White Rose (Bumblebee & White Rose) - Edited

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(Bumblebee & White Rose)


Happily swinging my legs, I lounged on my bed whilst flipping through one of my school textbooks.

The summer holidays had finally arrived and everyone had gone their separate ways. Blake going to visit a relative somewhere (she was rather secretive about it), Weiss returning home to visit her parents, and Yang and I coming home to see our uncle.

I grabbed a handful of popcorn and forced it into my mouth, silently wondering what the others were doing now. Well, wondering what Weiss was doing, to be more precise. 

And I would've stayed lost in thought if it weren't for the sudden ringing of my phone echoing throughout the room.

I jolted upright on my bed, almost knocking my head on the wooden headboard in the process. Grabbing the phone with one hand, I crossed my legs whilst grabbing another handful of popcorn.

"Hello?" I asked, proceeding to munch on my mouthful of food.

"Ruby? It's... It's Weiss." Came a quiet voice from the other end.

"Oh, hi Weiss!" I cheered, lightening up instantly, "I thought you'd never call me! I've been studying for the past three weeks and the only company I've had is Yang's teasing! It's horrible...!"

I heard her let out a small giggle on the other end, and I felt a blush spread across my cheeks.

"Anyway, I called because I was wondering... If uh... You wanted to spend the last week of the holidays with me...? Wait! No, that didn't come out right! I mean... Ugh... I'll start again."

I laughed, swinging my bare feet over the edge of the bed and tracing my toes on the wooden floor.

"So, my parents are lending me a boat... and I was wondering if you and Yang would want to go on a mini cruise?" Weiss suggested wearily. "Starting Tuesday? Blake too, of course."

"Yeah! I'd love too! I'm sure Yang will as well." I cheered, getting exited.

"That's great! Call me later and I'll give you the details." I could practically hear her smiling.

"Sure! I'll see you later then." I grinned.

"Yeah...! I... Loveyoubye!" She squeaked, hanging up immediately.


My hand shook as I anxiously reached out to turn the page of my book. I'd lost count on the many times I'd read it, but the suspense still got to me.

Suddenly I felt a pair of warm hands slide over my eyes and a chin nuzzle into my shoulder. 

"Guess who~" A voice giggled slightly upon hearing me gasp in shock.

"Yang," I sighed, betraying the grin on my lips as she pulled her hands away and turned me to face her.

"The one and only!" She grinned, placing her hands on her hips. 

I closed my book, carefully folding the page and placing it in my purple chequered shoulder-bag. Looking back up, Yang was smirking, eyeing me up and down rather too intensely.

"Someone looks good." She purred, purposely leaning in so we were awkwardly close. 

I could feel myself turning red but decided to stay strong, pushing her away and turning away. 

I wasn't wearing anything special, but I couldn't lie, I had tried a little

Just a simple plain black vest-top and a pair of dark purple shorts with matching pumps. Nothing special, but cute. I hummed in thought, glancing over my shoulder at Yang.

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