Fanfic 1: It's a Cat Thing (Bumblebee) - Edited

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"Are you coming down yet?"

I let out a small sigh at the sound of Ruby's whining, slamming my book shut before swinging my legs over the edge of the branch.

"You should join us more, Blake." Weiss added, glancing up at me from the base of the tree. "We do actually appreciate your company."

Yang gave me a quick grin before turning to Ruby, sitting on the chequered blanket we had draped over the grass earlier.

"I don't think you should have any more of those cookies, sis." Yang chuckled, placing a hand on her hip. "You did devour a whole punnet of strawberries earlier."

"I've only had two..." Ruby mumbled in reply, cradling the torn-open packet close to her chest. 

Yang raised an eyebrow in reply, giving an unconvinced hum before switching her gaze up to mine once again.

"Anyway, you coming down any time soon?" She smiled, resting her hand behind her neck lightly. 

I nodded, bracing myself on the branch as I prepared to jump down.

A sudden thought ran through my mind as I gazed down upon the grass, my fingers suddenly tightening around the rough bark.

I definitely didn't remember being this high off the ground when I'd climbed up.

"C'mon Blake, cat got your tongue?" Yang smirked.

"Oh god." I groaned, breaking my previous silence. 

Yang let out a laugh, the pleasant sound becoming quite daunting as it died out, quickly being replaced by a wide, evil grin.

"Hey Blake..." She teased, "you wouldn't happen to be stuck would you..?"

I wriggled uncomfortably under everyone's gaze, staring down at the tips of my boots. Excuses weren't coming to mind, and there definitely wasn't any reasonable way I could redeem myself from this embarrassment.

"Well... I- I... Well..." I stumbled on my words, hopelessly trying to stay composed.

"Blake, you've gone all red!" Ruby chimed in with a laugh.

"I think it might be a cat thing," Weiss had taken a break from her sewing to join in the tease, "you know, getting stuck in a tree and all."

"Some might even call it a... Catastrophe." 

"Yang, no." I protested, covering my face with one hand. Yet, somehow I couldn't help but let a small smile slip onto my lips.

"What's with that cattitude; I'm pawsitively insulted." Yang chuckled, Ruby rolling around on the blanket behind her, spraying crumbs everywhere in a fit of giggles.

"I really think you're overreacting about this." I muttered, my face burning, and probably an unnaturally dark shade of pink by now.

"Sorry, sorry," Yang laughed, the mischievous glint in her eyes suiting her all too well.  "Just slide off and I'll catch you."

I glanced her up and down, hesitating.

"Promise." She added.

I muttered a quiet thank you through gritted teeth, slowly sliding off of the rough wooden perch. I felt Yang's warm arms loop around my legs as I released one hand from its tight grip on the branch, now lightly swaying back and forth.

"Okay... I gotcha, you can let go now." She spoke up, arms now enclosed round my hips. 

I let out a short breath as I let go, my feet softly meeting the grass a millisecond later thanks to the tight grip Yang possessed on my body. I looked up at her quickly, opening my mouth to thank her, before realising how close our faces were. 

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