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Hell's Kitchen

Hell's Kitchen, one of the most dangerous and worst cities.

The least place you expect people wanting to live in. Yet it's home to a couple hundred people. So you wouldn't be surprise to find a single dad raising his son on his own.

In a bit of run down small house, lived 9 years old blind boy name Matt Murdock with his father Jack Murdock, a famous boxer. Community wise.

A two years had passed since he lost his eye sight at age 7 when he saved a elderly man from getting hit by a truck full of acid. Even when the elderly man was safe, same didn't go for Matt as he was doom to live in the dark after losing his eye sight caused by acid.

Hell's Kitchen wasn't a place to raise a blind boy. In a city full of crime and criminals who mostly got away with their crimes. Jack Murdock was left with no option but to raise his son in the only way he knew and the only way he could.

Desperate for money Jack entered a match who he knew would be his last. Yet he didn't care, all he wanted was for his son to leave the dark hole known as Hell's Kitchen. And as he foresaw it, 9 years old Matt become a orphan.

And like Jack wanted. His son was transformed to Sunnyvale Orphanage.
In New York City.

New York City

In a small but humble house in New York City, there was a 6 year old Peter Benjamin Parker living with his uncle Ben and aunt May Parker.

Son of Richard and Mary Parker, who died when Peter was only 1 years old in plane crash. With only one year of living, Peter already lost one set of parents.

While on a visit to Osborn Industries with his uncle Ben for his six birthday, Peter ended up going home with a spider bite.

Peter was happy boy. It was his uncle who said the words, that with great power comes great responsibility. Even if he really didn't known what his uncle meant by those words.

Of all things Peter began to notice something was different about him. He felt it, it was different from what he was used too. Something that a petty six year old found it hard to understand. So he keep it a secret. From his uncle. From his aunt.

This became one of his greatest regrets when his uncle and aunt were murder in front of him because he was too scared to do anything. He didn't known how to control his new found strength. This new power which was given to him. Something he regret not using to save his uncle and aunt.

Peter was a orphan once again and transferred to Sunnyvale Orphanage.


In a old and rack house lived 6 years old Wade Winston Wilson lived with a alcoholic and abusive mother.

At already 6 years of age Wade was the boom to die from terminal cancer. Confusing doctor all around. How could a child develop cancer? Was beyond them.

Weapon X saw potential in the boy. So they adopted the boy after his mother was found unfit to raise him. With Wade under there full control, they did with him as they pleased.

They injected him with Wolverine's Essenes, leaving Wade with scars all over his body. Believed to be a failed experiment. Wade was thrown to a facility for washed experiments where he was forced to play in battle of survive known as the dead pool with his new found super healing.

A year had passed with Wade fighting to survive. Having enough Wade killed everyone and fled from a burning facility behind.

Having no place to go, Wade left Canada to go to America where he lived of on the streets. But another year later, he was discovered and placed in Sunnyvale Orphanage in New York City.

Three orphans among orphans.
But these boys were special with a great destiny to be great heroes.
But what if there destiny were to change in the most unlikely way.

The Blind, The Good and The UglyWhere stories live. Discover now