Chapter 5

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Matt P.O.V.

"Hold it Wade, who now?"

"Xavier Jr. out side and I don't Matty but he gives me the creepy" Wade waved his hands in the air showing how much he was overreacting. "Even the boxes agree with me, that man is bad"

Matt frown. "How bad?"

Wade stopped for a second with eyes wide open before he shrugged it up. "I don't know."

"Then how do you know that?"

"I don't know!! Matty I don't know! He is bad that's all I can tell you" Wade yelled getting frustrated of having to explain himself. "Do I have to explain again"

"Then explain it better Wade because you aren't making much sense"

"What is going to happen to us" Peter interrupted since he didn't like seeing his brothers yelling at each other, he had been awake for a hour now. Wade was already awaken and Matt was the last to awake since he didn't have a healing factor like Peter, much less like Wade's super healing factor.

"That is the question of the day it seems"

Wade and Peter jumped out of their skin as they turned to Lex Luther standing by the door. Matt wasn't surprised since he heard his heart beat before he open the door.

Lex Luther smiled. Slowing making his way to them, wearing a fancy and elegant black suit.

"By now you know who I am, correct"

Peter hide behind Wade, peaking behind just enough to see Lex Luther's face.

"Your the man who found us" Matt answered since Wade nor Peter apparently weren't going to.

Lex Luther nodded.

"I want to make a proposal to you three. Something that will benefit both of us."

Matt frown. "What is it"

A pregnant since filled the room as Wade held Peter behind him. Tension began to built leaving a very scared Peter.

"Strange as it is, that you three don't have a file. Not even a identity. In matter of fact according to the file, neither of you three exists. Now why is that?"

Wade gulped.

"We're orphan" Matt answered. "I don't expect the government to keep track of everyone of us"

Lex Luther nodded. "True but there should at least be a birth certificate, if anything but there nothing"

"What is your proposal then" Wade asked.

"Believe it or not. But I am a powerful businessman with my own company but something I lack is a heir."

"Why don't you just marry someone and have a kid" Wade replied.

Lex Luther grinned. "I am a very busy man Wade. I have better things to do then be in a relationship. But something I wouldn't mind is adopting someone with the ability to run my company"

"Sorry to burst your bubble Egg head but we aren't heir material" Wade glared.

Lex Luther nodded. "I am well aware but it doesn't mean I can't train you. You three possession something special. I am not a man to let it go to waste so I'm offering to give you a home and a identity where you boys could live a normal life"

"Really! Your going to adopt all three of us" Peter cheered no longer hiding behind Wade. "Your going to become our father"

Lex Luther nodded. "But its up to you three"

Peter looked to his brother waiting for a response. Matt and Wade frown because they weren't liking the mind tricks he was playing with them especially Peter who was very native and longed for a family that would adopted all there of them. Matt consider his options which weren't many, they had to no where to go, nothing to eat, no identity, nothing at all. Here was a man who offered all of that but at what price. Matt turned to Wade who was probably thinking the same before both of the turned to face Lex Luther.

"Alright then but on the condition that three of us stay together, and no funny business or anything dangerous"

Lex nodded. "Seem far. I already have the paper work in progress. Until then you three will being staying in the hospital"

"What after that?"

"We get you settled in your new home" lex Luther responded.

2 weeks later.......
Lex Luther P.O.V.
Inside Doctor Gave's Office in Metropolis Hospital

"I hope we have everything in order then"

Doctor Gave hesitate for a moment before nodding. "Yes well clear"

"I don't want any report of their stay in any records. All records must be destroyed including DNA samples."

Doctor Gave nodded. "Yes yes well clear"

Lex Luther. "Good then I hope I won't be seeing each other again then"

Lex Luther existed the office, Mercy wait outside for him. "Take care of him"

"The job should be done before midnight"

Lex Luther. "Have you found any candidate"

Grace nodded handling him a couple of folders.

"Any of them meet all the requirements"

"There is one and she is perfect" Mercy answered.

Lex Luther grin. "Excellent"

Like I promised. A update!!!!!!!!
I will update as soon as I have time so I won't promise that will update every weekend since I have collage life to prepare for. ☺️

Until the next weekend, where I will hopefully update.

P.S. Comment. Comment. Comment.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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