Chapter 2

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[    ]Is the white box/voice with serious and badass personality.
{  }Is the yellow box/voice with crazy and funny personality.

Wade P.O.V

[There should be a rule about this.]

{There is. But who cares! Do it Wade}

"Alright but this was your idea" Wade replied to the voices as he pushed the mattress towards the stairs of the second floor, with the mattress at the edge, Wade hopped on as the mattress slide down the stairs.


Crashing against the wall, scaring the kids that were playing in the first floor near the stairs.

{Woho!!! Let's do that against!}

[I admit am impressed but what are we going to do with the broken arm?]

Wade looked down to his arm, twist and bruce up.

"Sister Clara!! Wade broke his arm and talking to himself again!" A girl in a pink dress holding her captain America action figure shouted. The other kids couldn't dare to approach.

"He's crazy" A boy about 9 year old spoke. The others kids nodded in agreement, from the moment that Wade arrived in the orphanage. They knew that he was freak. From his Freddy Krueger face and the millions of times they caught him talking to himself.
They didn't dare talk or get near him.

Sister Clara and the other Sister came running in along with Peter and Matt.

Kneeing down Sister Clara attended to Wade while the other Sisters took the other kids to the other room.

"Honestly Wade. You know that you can't be doing that" Sister Clara responded inspecting his arm before quickly twisting his arm back to normal. Wade winced and bit his lips to prevent himself from shouted.

[See told you]

{You think we're still getting Tacos?}

[Really? Tacos that what your worry about.]

{Todays Taco Tuesday and Sister Clara makes the best Tacos!}

[you got me there. Best tacos ever!]

Wade grinned to himself. "Best Tacos Ever"

Sister Clara sighed before standing up. Knowing well that Wade was off to his own world at the moment. Which happen very often, there would be times that Wade was often talking to himself and when Wade explained to them that there were boxes in his head taking to him, pretty much scared the pants off the other children and Sisters.

"Wade are you ok" Peter softy spoke.

"Mother Ann isn't going to be happy. Remember what happen last time." Matt said.

[I remember]

{When we almost killed ourselves by jumping off a tree}

[But Mother Ann had us washing dishes for a whole week.]

{And we broke them all}

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