Chapter 8

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Six days later....
Vic's residences in Star City

"Peter!!! Wade!!! Matt!!! Breakfasts!!!" Victory shouted. It was a nice Tuesday as she prepared the boys breakfast that morning. She could heard noise coming from the upstairs beds rooms. Followed by running feet going down the stairs.

"Morning Aunt Vic" Peter greeted her as he took a seat.

"Morning Peter" Vic replied with a small smile. Peter's cheerful and angel like smile always made her day. Or sixth day since she began taking care of him and his brothers.

Matt slowly came down the stairs gripping his right hand to the rail and his walking stick in the other.


"Hi Matt" Vic softly greeted as he took a seat in front of Peter.

Vic watched as Peter began to talk to Matt. Peter was always in a good mood which brought life to this house and this house really needed it.

Her train of thought was interrupted by Wade who finally came down the stairs talking to himself. First thing she learn about Wade that he liked to talk to himself a lot and his brothers didn't seem to mind but mostly ignored it.  Anyone would think that Wade wasn't right in the head, that Wade was probably mentally ill or something and his scars didn't help but she didn't mention them since they seem to be a sour topic. Which wouldn't surprise her since Wade was somehow related to Lex Luther. A crazy man himself who probably passed off his mess-up genes.

"Morning Wade" Vic did her best encouraging smile as Wade took his seat. Mornings were mostly like this, Wade didn't seem to trust her, Matt seem to be trying to get to know her and Peter was Peter. The cheerful little boy any parent would dream of having. Peter was so sweet and smart that Vic found it hard to believe that someone like Peter was related to a demon like Luther. In the end Vic came to conclusion Peter must have taken from their mother.

"Pancakes are ready" Vic placed plates of pancakes in front of each of them. "Give them a try"

Wade looked at her with suspicious, Matt slowly tired the pancakes while Peter happy began to munch on that said breakfast.

"It's better then last time Aunt Vic" Peter encouraged taking a long sip of his of milk.

Matt nodded but she could see him forcing the pancakes down his throat to show her that he was trying.

And there was Wade who looked at he pancakes to total disgust. Poking the pancakes with his fork.

Vic sighed as she was already expecting it and she couldn't blame him. Cooking wasn't her strong suit, she had tried to learn how to cook but it always failed. Most days they ended up eating take out food or heating up frozen foods.

"Why don't you make breakfast next time" Vic suggested.

Wade looked up quickly nodding his head rapidly.

{I want to live!!!!}

[wrong P.O.V.]

{who care whose P.O.V. it is. Bet the writer doesn't  know herself}

[true that]

{how much long do we have to eat those pancakes!!! Have mercy!}

"Are we going today Aunt Vic" Peter chirped swallowing another piece of burn pancakes.

Vic nodded her head. "Excited about starting school"

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